Interesting and Humour - page 2875


He who doesn't smoke or drink:

  • ♪ he can't live without pussy ♪
  • ♪ he must be an idiot ♪
  • ♪ he won't understand my humor ♪
  • ♪ won't sleep a wink at night ♪
  • I'm the one who'll marry me
  • he who dies in good health
  • That woman won't let him
  • he laughs and sings
  • he gets electrocuted in the lift

♪ who doesn't smoke or drink ♪

Sergey Golubev:

Those who don't smoke or drink:

  • ♪ he can't live without pussy ♪
  • ♪ he must be an idiot ♪
  • ♪ he won't understand my humor ♪
  • ♪ won't sleep a wink at night ♪
  • I'm the one who'll marry me
  • he who dies in good health
  • That woman won't let him
  • he laughs and sings
  • he gets electrocuted in the lift

♪ who doesn't smoke or drink ♪

He who doesn't smoke or drink is a non-drinking non-smoker.
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

Another one would like to acquire Russian citizenship

Which plane was on fire is it not said?
Alexander Antoshkin:

in the rationality of true reasonableness of the whole and, the causal chain, and something else, I do not consider it appropriate, as I do not see the possibility of giving it).

I read my essay on "Fractal and mechanical properties of salt crystals in the nanoscale"))

Wopret, wopret
МВД опровергло информацию об изнасиловании полицейского проститутками
МВД опровергло информацию об изнасиловании полицейского проститутками
  • 2016.01.13
Представители московской полиции опровергли информацию о том, что три проститутки избили и изнасиловали курсанта МВД в Москве во время, так называемой «контрольной закупки».  В пресс-службе ГУ МВД России пояснили, что никакого рейда в бордель на Шмитовском проезде в центре столицы полицейские не проводили.  «Данная информация не соответствует...
Alexandr Bryzgalov:
My opinion: the tourism is having fun to attract extreme people. Everyone is alive and well, no dead body was found.

there's a dead man.

Поисковая группа нашла тело мужчины, погибшего за перевалом Дятлова
Поисковая группа нашла тело мужчины, погибшего за перевалом Дятлова
  • 2016.01.13
ЕКАТЕРИНБУРГ, 13 янв — РИА Новости. Поисковая группа обнаружила тело мужчины, погибшего за перевалом Дятлова на Северном Урале, сообщает следственное управление Следственного комитета по Свердловской области. В результате проведенных поисковых мероприятий на расстоянии более 70 километров от базы Ильича, откуда утром группа отправилась...
who knows the phrase-operators for this bot? )
Alexandr Bryzgalov:
who knows the phrase-operators for this bot? )
Moderator, admin, Renate - would that work? There's also a button for "G" in the bottom right corner.
Alexander Antoshkin:
If you delve endlessly into the meanings of concepts, trying to get to the irrelevant, there will be no fact. Facts are relative and limited, while I hope that I live within an irrelevant, infinite-absolute, where every phenomenon is simply what it is. And to say it is a fact or not would be wrong.... From the limited frame of perception, what I have written is perceived as nonsense and nonsense, but there is nothing I can do about it)))
"And if I smack you in the ear, which shoe will fall off" (C) Recalled Otkudoto.