Interesting and Humour - page 3930


Neurons in a neural network and in the brain are different things, it is just not correct to compare them.

It seems to me that for a giant leap in the development of AI to happen, all these neural networks lack one basic parameter. And that parameter will always be limited by conditions, materials and so on, unlike the human brain. It's like a microscope, you cannot create a microscope the size of what it shows or smaller, there is always a structure even smaller. You can't artificially make a microscope smaller than what nature, or whatever, has already created.
AI and NS are different things. Also NS and brain are different things, even structurally. But NS is one of the structures that really exists in the brain and performs the functions necessary for AI.

Alive. Born in 2012, he is a bright, inquisitive boy.

He is becoming Nikolai by his twentieth birthday. Tradition -

I don't get it.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

I am currently working on neural networks. Just a few dozen neurons (orders of magnitude less brains than a cockroach)) do wonders with data. I won't talk about specifics here, but I'm stunned by the possibilities.

After that the statement about need of some special gift for earning on Forex looks as minimum very unserious. The conclusion may be even the opposite, the less brains, the more opportunities for the "gift")).

Yes it is true, animals have a better sense of danger than humans. The presence of the gift and brain capacity are not related.

It is said that man used to have a third eye responsible for anticipation.


5, and there's an opinion that even 3 fits well within the concept of a 2 sigma outing. But a lot of people won't know what I mean.

it's the same thing... you know... ,

"there were two cows flying, one going north, one going green,
how many fins does a rabbit have when a hedgehog has 25 butterflies?"


That's right, animals have a better sense of danger than humans. The presence of the gift and the size of the brain are unrelated.

It is said that man used to have a third eye responsible for premonitioning.

There's still a third eye. And there is a technique to open it. But it's scary to see and feel everything. And it stays open forever.

That's right, animals have a better sense of danger than humans. The presence of the gift and the size of the brain are unrelated.

It is said that man used to have a third eye responsible for premonitioning.

They still do. Not everyone can see.

Andrey Kisselyov: It's still there. Not everyone can see.

I typed in "third eye of man" on Yandex. Interesting

There is still a third eye. And there is a technique for opening it. But it's scary to see and feel everything afterwards. And it stays open forever.

Forum rules forbid talking about the third eye. Censorship.

Andrey Kisselyov:
it's from the same opera... you know... ,

"there were two cows flying, one going north, one going green,
how many fins does a rabbit have when a hedgehog has 25 butterflies?"


I typed in: man's third eye. Interesting

Do not take all the nonsense on the Internet on this topic at face value. the topic is very much discussed and a lot of "science fiction" is attributed to this phenomenon.
