Interesting and Humour - page 2881

Доклад: 62 самых богатых человека владеют половиной состояния планеты
Доклад: 62 самых богатых человека владеют половиной состояния планеты
62 самых богатых человека в мире в настоящее время владеют до половины мирового состояния, говорится в докладе Oxfam, который цитирует Разрыв между богатыми и остальной частью населения планеты резко возрос за последние двенадцать месяцев. Богатство этих 62 лиц, в том числе 53-х мужчин, выросло с 2010 года на 44%, в то время у 3,5...
Time is a man's invention, for sure), so you can nag your girlfriends who are always late
and in fact, time does not exist in nature and has never existed!
Only processes exist in nature and they can be periodic or non-periodic.
Alexander Antoshkin:
and in fact, time does not exist in nature and has never existed!
By reasoning in a similar way, one would conclude that there is no length, width or depth )). Time is the same unit of measurement as the abovementioned ones. Only it is difficult for a man at the physical level of consciousness to comprehend the essence of this dimension. He can only see projections of this dimension into the other three, which man is fully aware of.
Server Muradasilov:
It's not healthy to keep all your eggs in one basket, it can all beat up dramatically - maybe all our crises are because of their clever ways of keeping the world on a short leash of double standards and fear... and even the horror of a terrifying all-destroying war...
Sergey Golubev:
It can also be faster - 3 hours by plane.
Weather trendWeather trend
Alexandr Murzin:
The weather trend
It's on to summer, isn't it? That's the upward trend. And the correction from the 20th to the 30th is for buying ))))
Alexandr Murzin:
Weather trend

It's the other way round

Ivan Vagin:

It's the other way round.

Ihor Herasko:
It's going to be summer, isn't it? So the trend is ascending. And the correction from the 20th to the 30th is for buying ))))
Buying of spirits?