Interesting and Humour - page 205


This is serious, you can't understand it without a half a litre (beer)... I liked it:

- Is this the way to fight this kind of corruption?

- It is very dangerous! It's not corruption, it's a form of social system bonding. Extremely dangerous! Remember the Uzbek case in '86-'87? They started to fight corruption, like now, and since then it has been a war there: Gdlyanov-Ivanovs of all kinds broke the social structure, a mess started, which lasts to this day.

This is serious, you can't understand it without a half a litre (beer)... I liked it:

It's just better to understand how deep it goes and not make plans for quick changes. Lies permeate everything from childhood onwards. People must first love and understand it.

And you have to start from childhood. A child goes to school with the luggage "What is good and what is bad". But already at school lies reign. And the child is quickly readjusted.

But it does not matter. This is if tomorrow Martians arrive and lead the country from above and people start thinking from below. In fact, the question of the collapse of the country as an organism and as a territory is a question of time.

Once again, any organism, community, collective, or country has a survival instinct at the genetic level. We, in fact, do not have it.


Basically who rigged the election, Putin? Fucking hell. We did. As a whole. We as an organism allowed it to happen for ourselves. Who for the money, who for the job, who for the system he is part of, who simply turned a blind eye.

If roughly half the country is willing to do this, then the government CANNOT take advantage of it.


My child (aged 10) wanted to vote. I said I would give him my ballot. Let him decide for himself. He chose Prokhorov. We went to the polling station, and his mother was watching via internet cameras. He filled the ballot in and dropped it himself.

The voting was at his school. Then he was looking at information on the Internet with me about falsification in favour of Putin at the expense of Prokhorov and the others. And he burst into tears.

The carefully bred man is already protesting. And why the fuck would I want him to live here?


And why the fuck would I want him living here?

Same opinion. But it costs an awful lot to give a child a decent education to choose for herself. I'm an engineer in an oil and gas company and I can barely manage it.
Same opinion. But it costs an awful lot to give a child a decent education to choose for herself. I'm an engineer in an oil and gas company and I can barely manage it.
We're getting him used to Finland, this summer there's an orienteering camp, then a mixed camp. There are already quite a few of us there. Tower free. The list is wide. It's true that many of us are getting off the tower. It's boring.
We are getting used to it in Finland, this summer there is an orienteering camp, then a mixed camp. There are already a few of us there. The tower is free. The list is wide. It's true that many of us are getting off the tower. It's boring.
You have to have a purpose from the very beginning. Find your purpose. What would be interesting to do. Stimulus. That is, what you can get out of it in the long run. What benefit for yourself or maybe in a more global sense for all of humanity. Although before the graduation, as a rule, their vision and worldview have already been formed. But I have observed that people very often go "just for the sake of it". Hence the result - boredom. Boredom can only come from a lack of self-education, in as broad a sense as possible. For that, even just reading as much as possible and taking an interest in scholarly writings is enough. I stopped being bored after I'd been on my own, for quite a long time, and reconsidered my views. Looked at everything from molecules to galaxies. Now I don't even know what boring is. But that was when I was 28. What about young people before they went to grad school. There's a very different outlook there. The views have a less definitive structure when the body finishes its formation. This is just the age of 28-30 years. And before that everything is rather chaotic. Although this is my own assessment of myself. Others may have it all different. )))