Interesting and Humour - page 208

Yeah, the lyrics aren't bad, but the execution is kind of lame.
No, not about Latvia, how things are in other countries does not interest me. I'm not going to go "there" and I'm not going to deprive my children of their long-suffering homeland. There is no country in a history of the world, except for Russia for which it would be necessary to be proud and be worried. Simply now Russia is in distemper and the people are confused. Russia is understood as the whole, which is more, than a part under the name of the Russian Federation, and now the Russia has been broken up on artificial state formations.

Fucking hell. This is pure chauvinism. On what grounds do you deny all the people of the world the right to be proud of their and not your homeland?

You can not lift a finger without money for the motherland, if you do not know the history of Russia, but you do not know zombie talk on the Internet, and you can not help an old woman in the street.


And the whiners keep whining about going away. But they don't leave, do they? And how nice it would be if this 5th column were to leave in its entirety. Then there would be no morons running to the U.S. Foreign Ministry for advice. And they will never leave. They would whine, spread snot all over their face and blame everyone else for all their sins, but not themselves. Yeah, and they'll teach everyone a lesson.

Tavarishch, you should at least look at the numbers sometimes, the number of people who have left in the last few years is astonishing, and they are the best part. They are employers, entrepreneurs, enterprising people.

The problem for the country is that no one but Sharikovs can take their place in the real economy.


Fucking hell. This is pure chauvinism. On what grounds do you take pride in your country and not your homeland?

You can't lift a finger without money for the motherland, you don't even know the history of Russia, but you speak big business on the Internet and you can hardly help an old woman cross the street.

That's how you see the essence of your hidden white mask with bulging eyes.


I am against Putin, but there is no alternative to him at the moment.

Yeah, there is no fucking alternative in Ukraine now, and there is no alternative in Belarus for a long time now.

And the whiners keep whining about going away. But they don't leave, do they? And how nice it would be if this 5th column were to leave in its entirety. Then there would be no morons running to the Foreign Ministry for advice. And they will never leave. They would whine, spread snot all over their face and blame everyone else for all their sins, but not themselves. Yes, and they will also teach everyone how to be reasonable.

No, it's too late to teach you. If you fantasize, I would send you zombie-crooks to North Korea to shout slogans from the rostrum, because the locals there are getting tired. Then we won't have to leave here. Everything can be restored relatively quickly.
That's it, my observations over the past few months have been confirmed. People always start arguing with each other during periods of an active Moon for no good reason. This happens both in reality and virtually. During such periods one should rest and sleep more. I have begun to do so and so far alright, I am calmer now, I do not bicker. )))