Errors, bugs, questions - page 1078


Bild 871. The instrument is a Ukrainian Exchange Index futures. The volume values are some fantastic:

The volume value on this bar should be equal to 1 contract. I see value 110034815030

This must be because you are using a demo account. Switch to a real one, the quotes there are adequate
That's probably because you're using a demo account. Switch to a real one, the quotes there are adequate.
The account is actually a real one.
That's not the point, I probably didn't ask the question exactly. So, in the tester, what is the tick value of the dollar futures? Is it the latest current value or the historical value?
The datasheet has the answer. You can write your own tester. In order to navigate in your own forest.)

on fozzy on fast forex one of the two (either one after some time) terminals hangs with the loss of all global variables since the 858 build. half a year before that no hangs at all. has anyone experienced this? how do i fix it and what should i check?

I have also experienced frequent (several times a week) hangs without any apparent reason (no active EA), but not only MT5, but also ME5 when editing. Only rebooting the computer helps.

Тоже столкнулся с частым (несколько раз за неделю) зависанием без видимых причин (в отсутствии активных советников), но не только MT5, но и ME5 при редактировании. Помогает - только перезагрузка компьютера. 

I tried disabling the EAs for a while, it still froze. now i've reinstalled everything and changed the tariff. if it still happens, i'll change it...


I found this bug, when copying from iStochastic handle using CopyBuffer, I check if copying is "correct" by condition if(CopyBuffer(...)<=0) - everything is OK, but if I set CopyBuffer(...)!=1, data is not copied. I check it via Comment. In Moving Average example from MQ, section "3.2. CheckForOpen() function" exactly !=1 is used (but it's for MA).

   //if(CopyBuffer(StochHandle,MAIN_LINE,0,3,StochMain)!=1) // not working
   if(CopyBuffer(StochHandle,MAIN_LINE,0,3,StochMain)<=0) // it is ok
   //if(CopyBuffer(StochHandle,SIGNAL_LINE,0,3,StochSignal)!=1) // not working
   if(CopyBuffer(StochHandle,SIGNAL_LINE,0,3,StochSignal)<=0) // it is ok

Can you tell me why?

Hi all! How to attach double click ON_DBL_CLICK to ListView from standard library? I've tried all sorts of things, but it doesn't work.
Документация по MQL5: Стандартная библиотека
Документация по MQL5: Стандартная библиотека
Стандартная библиотека - Документация по MQL5
Hello again! How do I determine programmatically where the EA is running: in the terminal or in the tester? Maybe there are some global variables?
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Переменные / Глобальные переменные
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Переменные / Глобальные переменные
Основы языка / Переменные / Глобальные переменные - Документация по MQL5
Hello again! How do I determine programmatically where the EA is running: in the terminal or in the tester? Maybe there are some global variables?
You can use the MQL5InfoInteger() function. Follow this link - the enumeration of ENUM_MQL5_INFO_INTEGER contains...

I found this bug, when copying from iStochastic handle using CopyBuffer, I check "correctness" of the copying with condition if(CopyBuffer(...)<=0) return; - everything is OK, but if(CopyBuffer(...)!=1) return; - data is not copied. I check it via Comment. In example of Moving Average from MQ, section "3.2 CheckForOpen() function" exactly !=1 is used (but it's for MA).

Could you tell me why?

FunctionCopyBuffer() from help:

Returned value:

Number of copied array elements or -1 in case of error.

When you copy 3 items - this function will return 3. Replace!=1 with!=3 and everything will work. But I would still use check<3.