Bermaui Analysis - page 12


Copper seems like it wants to start moving higher again...


SP500 move inside an Ascending Wedge.

Current trend is bullish, but if candles break to the downside it might target 2600 point.


Oops :)



"The price of gold carries on an interesting relationship with the exchange rate of the Japanese yen versus the dollar.  Most of the time, the two move together, but they occasionally disagree.  When that happens, it is usually the chart plot of the yen which ends up being “right” about where both are headed."__ Tom McClellan



Every major crypto coin is down in 2018 with an average decline of 63%...



Total Return, last 7 years...
Nasdaq 100: +220%
S&P 500: +133%
Gold: -18%
Platinum: -53%
Silver: -54%


The next quarter is one of the weakest over the entire 4-year Presidential Cycle.

Down 0.5% on average, with only Q2 of an election year worse ...



USDCAD is to close to its Standard Deviation Channel higher bands.

Will it correct to the downside?


The market cap of the top 5 S&P 500 companies: $4,095,058,706,432


The market cap of the bottom 282 S&P 500 companies: $4,092,769,755,136


A good example for Pareto 20/80 theory.


Twitter performance is +4.3 times Facebook year to date.
