Who offer the best Economic Calendar? - page 3


10 reasons to set up a professional economic calendar from MetaQuotes

Monitoring of macroeconomic events is available for free in 7 languages with no ads. However, this is not the only reason our calendar will attract your audience — you have another 10 extra reasons to add it in your website:


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

All about Calendar tab and Macro Economic Events.

Sergey Golubev, 2017.12.12 15:42

Economic Calendar

The beginning:

  1. Indicators/EAs for news and trading signals - the thread
  2. Economic Calendar EA - the thread
  3. Economic Calendar EA - the second thread
  4. News Trader EA thread (MT4) 
  5. AvoidTheNews.mqh for short term systems - the thread with files
  6. News Reader Indicator! - the thread (MT4) 
  7. FF Calendar Indicator for MT - the thread (MT4) 


  1. All about Calendar tab and Macro Economic Events - the key thread 
  2. Studying the CCanvas Class. How to Draw Transparent Objects - the article 
  3. Regression Analysis of the Influence of Macroeconomic Data on Currency Prices Fluctuation - the article  
  4. Building an Automatic News Trader - the article  


This is the most packed up calendar and historic economic data I know:


Also has an API.

Bad side is sometimes lags a few minutes on news release.

I've found myfxbook to have the most reliable calendar and you can just scrape it into a csv file. Here's an example in python.

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import csv
import datetime
import re
import requests
import time

cookie_file = 'cookie.txt'  #path to a text file with cookie pasted in
events_csv = 'events.csv'   #path to save location e.g. ./MQL%/Files/

#compiled regex objects
cal_row_re  = re.compile(r'^calRow.*')
country_re  = re.compile(r'^calendarTip.*')
date_re     = re.compile(r'\w+\s?\d+:\d+')
impact_re   = re.compile(r'.*-(\w+)-impact.*')
prev_re     = re.compile(r'^previousTip.*')
concensus_re= re.compile(r'^concensus.*')
actual_re   = re.compile(r'^actualTip.*')

def main(session):
    events = []
    r = session.get('http://path to cal')
    s = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'lxml')

    trs = s.find_all(id=cal_row_re)

    for tr in trs:
        e = {
            'event'  : tr.find(class_='noUnderline').get_text().strip(),
            'country': ' '.join(tr.find(id=country_re)['class']),
            'impact' : impact_re.match(
            date = tr.find(text=date_re).strip()
            now = datetime.datetime.now()
            dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                f'{now.year} {date}', '%Y %b %d, %H:%M')
            if dt.month < now.month:
                dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                    f'{now.year+1} {date}', '%Y %b %d, %H:%M')
            e['datetime'] = dt
        except Exception as exc:

        previous = tr.find(id=prev_re)
        if previous:
            text = previous.get_text().strip()
            if 'Revised' not in text:
                e['previous'] = text
        concensus = tr.find(id=concensus_re)
        if concensus:
            e['concensus'] = concensus.get_text().strip()
        actual = tr.find(id=actual_re)
        if actual:
            text = actual.get_text().strip()
            if 'new' not in text:
                e['actual'] = text


    with open(events_csv, 'w') as f:
        fieldnames = ['datetime','impact','country',
        writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=fieldnames)
        for d in events:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with requests.Session() as session:
            with open(cookie_file) as f:
                session.headers.update({'Cookie': f.read()})
        except Exception as exc:
            print('Could not read cookie.txt file')

        while True:
            print(f'Last update @ {datetime.datetime.now()}')

You can get a good economic calendar on this link:

And also you can attach on your website.

Economic calendar - real-time news and reports, as well as the schedule of forthcoming world economy events
Economic calendar - real-time news and reports, as well as the schedule of forthcoming world economy events
  • www.mql5.com
Economic calendar includes most important economic indicators and events from ministries and agencies of different countries. The Calendar is useful for traders in the forex market, stock exchanges and other financial markets.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

The fastest economic calendar.

MetaQuotes Software Corp. , 2018.04.27 22:26

Here is our own fast economic calendar, which we collect and form ourselves:

We specifically created it so that it worked with minimal delay. 

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

The fastest economic calendar.

MetaQuotes Software Corp. , 2018.04.28 00:40

In theory, a delay in tens milliseconds.

We have our own specialized spider on primary sources, which are listed on each section of the calendar:


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

The fastest economic calendar.

Renat Fatkhullin , 2018.04.28 12:50

No, it is not about 5 seconds delay. Perhaps drawing / updating the site page could create such an impression.

Inside, for the MT5 trading platform, we have implemented a Real Time Streaming of all events without delay.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

The fastest economic calendar.

MetaQuotes Software Corp. 2019.05.09 17:34

Economic calendar functions allow conducting the auto analysis of incoming events according to custom importance criteria from a perspective of necessary countries/currencies.




Get a country description by its ID


Get an event description by its ID


Get an event value description by its ID


Get the array of country names available in the calendar


Get the array of descriptions of all events available in the calendar by a specified country code


Get the array of descriptions of all events available in the calendar by a specified currency


Get the array of values for all events in a specified time range by an event ID


Get the array of values for all events in a specified time range with the ability to sort by country and/or currency


Get the array of event values by its ID since the calendar database status with a specified change_id


Get the array of values for all events with the ability to sort by country and/or currency since the calendar database status with a specified change_id


ForexFactory.com has all the major currencies + China

FxStreet.com has 40+ most influential countries (based on GDP?)

Investing.com has 96 countries.  I assume it is based on GDP, but with greater scope (GDP and national wealth can be calculated differently).  And also it considers commodities like Crude Oil, Gold, etc.

FxStreet and ForexFactory has their data in downloadable format or build a scraper.

Investing.com looks like you must scrape manually.

IMHO, you need a comprehensive view on the markets, as some news calendar sources have events listed that others do not for the same country/currency.  (Theoretically they should all be the same, but this speaks to some bias between calendar providers in their filtering process and/or comprehensiveness of their event).

So you must look at 3-4 of the most comprehensive news calendars to make sure you do not have missing events.


What website has a good economic calendar? I usually trade on release of economic indicators. Anyone knows any eco calendar that provides a lot of information and is user-friendly?
