hi this indicator to make EA
Hi akni777,
I like how your indie looks on chart as first glance.
Tried initial stage of using geneticbuilder's custom indicator exporter EA to make a digestible file for it from your indie, but there's a problem. This is one of those indy's that let the value go infinite if its not the color to show on chart, unfortunately geneticbuilder can't use such info. If your interested still to have this run in my geneticbuilder.com please see if you can get an mql programmer to yield an output of value3 = Boolean 0 or 1 for the two colors it shows on chart. I will have exporter EA ignore values1 & 2.
Hope you'll pursue, indie looks of possibilities.
Looks like some fundamental oscillator renamed. Don't know if such by itself will avail anything great.
Decided on rules toward greater possibility of success of this thread (nobody need take personal as resultant EA will be attached for all):
1) You have manually traded and spreadsheet tabulated your indie+method on a demo or live acct (there is even $10 mini accts at ibfx for you to use penny-pips) and you have success.
2) its on 5minTF. This way you can have a sufficient quantity of trades so EA is not boring, except period in indicator shouldn't be too long which would still result in low qty of trades. Specify in your method description what your periods are in indie.
3) Preferably its an enter/reversal at market style, but if its enter at market that is successful ......who am I to complain, I'll have GB run it! Lol.
4) Indie must yield what you use on chart to trade as a value in DATA WINDOW, if it doesn't, nobody can make an EA out of it. If such needs adjustment to have such, take your indie to originator to avail it as a value. Max 6 values per indie. Often indies have one or two values.
5) If your trading method uses more than one indie please inform of the period in each indie + variables and describe method/crossings you use in the method. I won't need such method, but by descriptions I can tell if GB will sniffout such ways to find also.
Purpose is to go for successful EA, not just have me tirelessly whipping-out EA's for every indie thrown my way.
Appreciate your understanding, know you'd wish the same......I.E., somewhere down the line in post X of this thread, a great EA attached.
Can you make this EA: MACD cross main/signal up/down-> buy/sell plus closed candle ( or when histogram is above below zero). Therefore open on the beginning of the next candle or with the close of the current (position is not taken when the signal is created but after). Close position with Tp,Sl, Ts, position choice, hedge enabled, only one position after the signal taken, however many positions available which will happen e.g. in consolidation. Based on one of the attached indicators, thank you
Hi, Can you make this EA: MACD cross main/signal up/down-> buy/sell plus closed candle ( or when histogram is above below zero). Therefore open on the beginning of the next candle or with the close of the current (position is not taken when the signal is created but after). Close position with Tp,Sl, Ts, position choice, hedge enabled, only one position after the signal taken, however many positions available which will happen e.g. in consolidation. Based on one of the attached indicators, thank you
Since I'm not getting developed strategies per my prior post and am getting just items thrown in here, I do same.
Had run geneticbuilder for 3hrs on 5minTF eurusd and it found this EA. With 2 minis per Thou, it did 30% gain in 4weeks prior to previous week and 40% gain in last week, it did no losers. It uses MACD like you requested, but it also uses AvgVol from the ibfx mini mt4 that
I extracted the backdata from, so it might not be good for other brokers.
I don't have access to a faster two core computer such as I had when starting this thread, just have my
modest rented server from CNS, thus no 10yr backdata nor the resultant ability to do
custom indicators, sorry. so when someone says they want EA from certain kind of indie, just say what kind of standard one and I run it.
But like this EA, who knows how long it will do ok as it was searched as to strategy from only last 5wks, last week being the out-of-sample. Can do such length of period in a few hours resulting in current market EA that has no or nearly no drawdown, a short period "near holy grail", but for how long? Who knows, maybe you can parameter optimize as time goes by and it can do ok? Let me know so such method can be further accomadated.
Sorry things got less than optimistic, "things change".
Thanks, Jerry
Forgot to include custom indie AvgVolume, attached.
btw, the in-sample 1mo had 11 trades and the out-of-sample 1wk had 4 trades.
Hi Batchboy,
I do not fully understand your answer but I will have a look at the EA provided. I do not need the second indicator (Av Volume). I am also not obsessed with the optimization. I just need a simple EA taking positions when the MACD main crosses signal (or histogram above/below zero) and the candle closes. That's it ( but based on the MACDtraditional and not on other indicator). Thank you
Hi Batchboy, I do not fully understand your answer but I will have a look at the EA provided. I do not need the second indicator (Av Volume). I am also not obsessed with the optimization. I just need a simple EA taking positions when the MACD main crosses signal (or histogram above/below zero) and the candle closes. That's it ( but based on the MACDtraditional and not on other indicator). Thank you
One side uses that AvgVolume in the formula, if I recall correctly it be the sell side? Not sure. If you don't want to use that side that uses both indies in the formula then you could select false for that side. Or look in the mq4 and tweak as you like the formulas. Sorry that I got presumptuous in using AvgVol coming out of my ibfx mt4.
Its open-bar-only type EA. btw, so if you tweak 'n test be sure to set it that way in test. 5min, 5wks.
Hi Batchboy, I do not fully understand your answer but I will have a look at the EA provided. I do not need the second indicator (Av Volume). I am also not obsessed with the optimization. I just need a simple EA taking positions when the MACD main crosses signal (or histogram above/below zero) and the candle closes. That's it ( but based on the MACDtraditional and not on other indicator). Thank you
I ran GB overnite with only macd checked about 6hrs and simple macd has no good solution, some filter indie is needed.
Be wary, I too have been in long journey trying indies on chart and swearing results would be good in an EA, only to be dashed each time. GB finds the combination of indies that WILL do the job. Often if you tell me couple of std indies that avail you what seems like possible strategy it will pan-out in GB search.......often, not always.

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If you have indies + method that trade wise works out for you, I'd be happy to mql EA it for you to have it auto-trading.
No obligations, and will post the EA in this thread. I have major piece of software that will first hunt/sniff-out optimum way to use your indies
In a strategy/EA, so your "method" might only be a minor background info at best. Just describe and post your indies. Thx,