The Only Pivot - page 220


Closed out short trade +160 pips. -22 +160 = +138 for the day.

Note: With Original strat we have two signals, a buy and sell. With Buffer Filter we only have one short signal. Maybe with Original strat we could have waited for a clearer signal, SMMA clearly closing below Daily Open Price, which came one bar later?


We already have a reversal sell signal and I am short @ 210.87 manually using MTP to manage SL and TP. Closed out previous long for -22 pips. TimeFreedom

Very profitable

Closed one sell at +52

Other sell at +102

+154 pips

Excellent for one day


Hello chaps,

just backtesting it seems a 200EMA would filter most of the bad trades.

Could this be put into the EA?





Hello chaps,

just backtesting it seems a 200EMA would filter most of the bad trades.

Could this be put into the EA?



I think you might miss a lot of trades as well. I'm starting to use the BF filter timefreedom has posted and the AMA posted a few pages back to keep me from trading the noise.


TF - has the BF been made into EA yet?


Your answer is a few posts back here.


TF - has the BF been made into EA yet?

very profitable

plus 98 for sel


hi all, its is good forum


We have a sell signal and I am in @ 210.05 using David's EA.

Note: Once again the EA only opened half the trade. Anyone else have the same problem?



The pivot is the daily open price.


Hi TimeFreedom,

I haven't used the ea enough to know, but do you know how the pivot is being computed?
