Elite indicators :) - page 680


This is kase permission stochastic smoothed histo version originally from here https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/general modified to be compatible with the new mt4 builds.


Hi Gentlements, hope you had a great weekend

Would you be kind to do me a big favour and add the alerts to this indicator of yours when you have some spare time?

Many many thanks in advance

All the best


Hi Gentlements, hope you had a great weekend

Would you be kind to do me a big favour and add the alerts to this indicator of yours when you have some spare time?

Many many thanks in advance

All the best



Here you go

Happy trading


That's was a lightning speed replay!

Thank you Mladen so much




Swami arrow updated to avoid some compilation warnings in the new metatrader 4 : swami_aroon_oscillator_2_nmc.mq4

Still seems that the decision to make a "generic value" of the swami indicator was the only possible way that swami indicators can be used in some meaningful way

Updated Spearman rank (auto)correlation to be compatible with new metatrader 4 :

Original was posted here : https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/174385/page161

Mladen, we have a:

zero divide in 'Spearman Rank Correlation + nmc.mq4' (169,76) --- build 610

Mladen, we have a: zero divide in 'Spearman Rank Correlation + nmc.mq4' (169,76) --- build 610


This is line 169 (where the zero divide error is shown) :

for (k=0; k<AveragePeriod; k++) avg += rank; avg /= AveragePeriod;

AveragePeriod is a parameter and it can cause zero divide error only if it is entered as 0 in the parameters value. There is no other way how it can cause zero divide error. Do not enter 0 in AveragePeriod and all will be OK (if you wish to avoid smoothing / averaging of the signal line set it to 1 : average with period of 1 is equal to no averaging).


This is line 169 (where the zero divide error is shown) :

for (k=0; k<AveragePeriod; k++) avg += rank; avg /= AveragePeriod;
AveragePeriod is a parameter and it can cause zero divide error only if it is entered as 0 in the parameters value. There is no other way how it can cause zero divide error. Do not enter 0 in AveragePeriod and all will be OK (if you wish to avoid smoothing / averaging of the signal line set it to 1 : average with period of 1 is equal to no averaging).

Ok, thanks. It works!


Please help me MLaden, how can I have multiple arrows from the same indicator with different time frames in same chart, let's say I have a mtf set to 60 then the same indicator on same chart set to 240 and again to D1, the problem is just the last one I touched shows the arrows, if i click in a different one then the arrows from the first bye bye...

I tried to set different name in the field uniq ID (but I don't know what I doing to be honest), then I try to to save indicator under different names on compiler like dtosc.60, dtosc240 etc... but it didn't help either...

Thank you


once again I manage it Mladen, it was so simple, just needed to change the arrows indentifier lol...

thanks anyway have a great week my friend


Guys, sorry

As CJA said on one of his posts : "after all we are talking about new metatrader 4", I should not draw conclusions of correctness of something lightly.

It turns out that if buffer is passed to a dll as an argument it is not passed the same way as it was passed in builds 509 and earlier builds. Updated the indicator at the original post to fix that change in new metatrader 4 and now it works correctly (the difference is only when a buffer is used as an argument, when an array is used as an argument then it is working correctly). Dll does not need to be changed, Only the mql file. I have no idea if they are going to correct that issue, but instead I am using arrays in this version and even if they change the way how buffers are treated, the indicator should not be affected.


PS: Gfuchs, now if you set the Average period to <= 0 signal line is not calculated at all

PPS: here is how it looks now (when correct values are calculated, and when a series of indicators are placed in the same sub-window)

spearman_1.gif  42 kb