- Capacity
- Count
- Contains
- TrimExcess
- TryGetValue
- TrySetValue
- Add
- AddRange
- Insert
- InsertRange
- CopyTo
- BinarySearch
- IndexOf
- LastIndexOf
- Clear
- Remove
- RemoveAt
- RemoveRange
- Reverse
- Sort
Searches for the last occurrence of a value in a list.
Version that searches in the entire list.
int LastIndexOf(
Version that searches from the specified position and to the end of the list.
int LastIndexOf(
Version that searches from the specified position in the specified range.
int LastIndexOf(
[in] The searched value.
[in] The starting index from which the search begins.
[in] The length of the search range.
Return Value
Returns the index of the last found element. If the value is not found, returns -1.