Good Monday

3 June 2020, 18:53
Konstantin Kulikov
1 214

All parameters for EA  Good Monday and Good Monday MT5

  • ==== Lot and MM ====
  • Use_Fix_Lots - enable/disable a fixed trading lot;
  • Value_Fixed_Lot - the value of the fixed lot;
  • Use_MM_1 - enable/disable the lot value based on balance;
  • Funds_for_001_Lot - amount of funds for 0.01 lot;
  • Use_MM_2 - enable/disable the lot value as a percent of deposit based on StopLoss;
  • Risk_Percentage - percent of deposit for lot value calculation;
  • Use_MM_Reg_1 - enable/disable recovery money management 1 (trading lot will not decrease in case of drawdowns);
  • Funds_for_001_Lot_Reg - amount of funds for 0.01 lot;
  • Use_MM_Reg_2 - enable/disable recovery money management 2 (trading lot will not decrease in case of drawdowns);
  • Risk_Percentage_Reg - percent of deposit for lot value calculation;
  • Lot_calculation_based_on - lot calculation based on balance or equity.
  • Lot_calculation_with_rounding - use rounding when calculating a trading lot (more aggressive lot calculation, to accelerate the increase in balance).
  • ==== Comment_and_Magic ====
  • Magic - a unique magic number for the EA's trades;
  • Comment - a comment to the EA's trades;
  • ==== GAP_at_Monday ====
  • Min_GAP_at_Monday - minimum gap size at which it is allowed to open positions;
  • Max_GAP_at_Monday - maximum gap size at which it is allowed to open positions;
  • Position_against_GAP - if true, then open positions against the gap; if false, then open positions in the continuation of the gap;
  • Start_from_GAP_in_minute - from what minute is it allowed to open positions, counting from the gap;
  • Period_for_Open_in_minute - the number of minutes during which it is allowed to open positions;
  • Hold_position_at_opening_hour - do not close the position at the opening hour.  
  • ==== Common parameters ====
  • BUY_orders - to open a buy orders;
  • SELL_orders - to open a sell orders;
  • Slippage - allowable slippage in points (on Market Execution is not affected);
  • Max_Spread_Open_for_BUY - maximum spread when opening a buy trade in points;
  • Max_Spread_Open_for_SELL - maximum spread when opening a sell trade in points;
  • Max_Spread_Close_for_BUY - maximum spread for closing a buy trade in points;
  • Max_Spread_Close_for_SELL - maximum spread for closing a sell trade in points;
  • Close_for_Any_Spread_at_Pips_Profit - the number of points in the profit (taking into account the current spread), at which the order is closed (at the close signal) for any spread, is valid for a value greater than 0;
  • Pause_at_Open - pause in opening positions;
  • ==== Duration of the open position ====       
  • Number_Minutes_and_Closing_Max_Bar - the number of minutes after which the position will be closed if the price is maximum from the moment the position is opened (0 - disabled);
  • Only_Profit_Position_for_Closing_Max_Bar - close a position by "Number_Minutes_and_Closing_Max_Bar" only if the position is profitable; 
  • Number_Minutes_and_Closing_Medium_Bar - the number of minutes after which the position will be closed if the price is not lower than the average value from the moment the position is opened (0 - disabled);
  • Only_Profit_Position_for_Closing_Medium_Bar - close a position by "Number_Minutes_and_Closing_Medium_Bar" only if the position is profitable; 
  • Number_Minutes_and_Closing_Profit - the number of minutes after which the position will be closed if it is in profit (0 - disabled); 
  • Max_Minutes_Open_Position - the number of minutes after which the position will be closed (0 - disabled);
  • Minimum_Pips_at_Profit - minimum number of profit points for closing a positive position;
  • Use_Not_Closing_Time - activate position closing time only for real SL and real TP (without other EA closings);
  • Period_Not_Closing_after_GAP_in_minute - duration in minutes for "Use_Not_Closing_Time" (starting from opening week);
  • Only_for_negative_positions - apply "Use_Not_Closing_Time" only to positions in the negative zone;
  • ==== SL_and_TP ====
  • TP_from_GAP  - multiplier for calculating take profit from gap size (if 0, then TP is absent);
  • Use_Hide_TP - if "true", then virtual TP are used (hidden from broker), instead of real TP ones;
  • Min_TP - minimum limit for calculated take profit in points (0 - disabled);
  • Max_TP - maximum limit for calculated take profit in points (0 - disabled) ;
  • SL_from_GAP  -  multiplier for calculating stop loss from gap size (if 0, then SL is absent);
  • Use_Hide_SL - if "true", then virtual SL are used (hidden from broker), instead of real SL ones;
  • Min_SL - minimum limit for calculated stop loss in points (0 - disabled);   
  • Max_SL - maximum limit for calculated stop loss in points (0 - disabled);
  • ====  Oscillator filter  ====
  • use_Oscillator_filter - on/off Oscillator filter;
  • Entrance_level - filter level for opening positions (from 0 to 10);
  • Exit_level - filter level for closing positions (from 0 to 10);
  • ==== Grid and Martingale ====
  • Use_Grid_mode - on/off mode "Grid and Martingale";
  • Multiplier_of_trade_Lot - multiplier for a trading lot when opening a new position in the positions grid;
  • Min_minuts_pause_between_positions - minimum pause in minutes between opening of positions;
  • Multiplier_of_Min_minuts_pause - multiplier for Min_minuts_pause_between_positions when opening the next position;
  • Min_pips_between_positions - minimum difference of the prices of opening in points, necessary for opening of the new position;
  • Multiplier_of_Min_pips_between_positions - multiplier for Min_pips_between_positions when opening the next position;
  • Close_positions_at_percentage_of_loss - percentage of floating loss from the balance at which all positions are closing;  0 - disabled;
  • Total_open_transactions - maximum number of simultaneously open positions;
  • Total_first_deals_of_line_magics_for_one_symbol - the maximum number of open positions for the current symbol with magic numbers from "Line_Magics"; valid for values greater than 0; this parameter limits the opening of the first position and does not limit the opening of averaging positions.
  • Total_first_deals_of_line_magics_for_all_symbols - the maximum number of open positions for all symbols with magic numbers from "Line_Magics"; valid for values greater than 0; this parameter limits the opening of the first position and does not limit the opening of averaging positions.
  • Total_deals_for_one_symbol_so_as_not_to_open_new_symbol - the maximum number of simultaneously open positions with magic numbers from "Line_Magics" for any one symbol, at which the first positions will not be opened for other symbols; valid for values greater than 1.
  • Line_Magics - line of magic numbers of positions; if empty, then the number of open positions is calculated for all (any) magic numbers.
  • ==== Trailing Stop ====
  • Breakeven_Start - necessary amount of points from an position open price for setting a breakeven (0 - disabled);
  • Breakeven_Plus - increase a breakeven by a number of points;
  • Trailing_Stop - trailing stop value (0 - disabled);
  • Trailing_Step - trailing stop step;
  • Trailing_Start - necessary amount of points from an position open price for setting a trailing stop;
  • Duration_minutes_after_open - necessary amount of minutes after an position open price for setting a trailing stop;
  • ==== Trailing by SAR ====
  • Trailing_by_SAR - on/off trailing by SAR indicator;
  • TimeFrame_for_SAR - Timeframe for SAR indicator;
  • SAR_at_Profit - use trailing by SAR only in profitable zone;
  • ==== Days without Trade ====
  • Use_Holidays_Pass - not to trade in the period of holidays which is set by means of parameters: Month_start_Holidays, Day_start_Holidays, Month_end_Holidays, Day_end_Holidays;
  • use_Date_Holidays - not to trade in days of holidays which are set in line Date_Holidays;
  • ==== to note jumps of spread on a chart ====
  • note_jumps_of_spread - during the period of opening positions, marking on the chart the number of ticks with a spread that is greater than the one specified in the parameters (more_than_spread_1, more_than_spread_2, more_than_spread_3);
  • ==== Record of deals in the file ====
  • Record_Deals - enable/disable recording of Expert Advisor operation details to a file;
  • Name_File - file name for record;

For ease standard points are always indicated in the parameters (by the 4th digit). On five-digit brokers points are recalculated automatically.


The latest EA settings can be downloaded here: