Credit Suisse: Global wealth dips for the first time since 2008

Credit Suisse: Global wealth dips for the first time since 2008

17 October 2015, 16:21
Alice F
1 761

Global wealth dipped for the first time since 2008, says Credit Suisse’s Global Wealth Report for 2015.

The global fortunes declined to $250 trillion, a fall of $12 trillion over the past year, largely due to the strength of the dollar.

As the bank’s global wealth pyramid shows, the top 1% of the world’s population accounts for 50% of global wealth.

3.4 billion people, or 71%, have wealth of less than $10,000, while a further 21%, or 1 billion people, own assets of up to $100,000.

Analysts led by Richard Kersley reported that the total wealth of that less-well-off group “nonetheless suggests a considerable pool of potential demand.”


Household wealth fell everywhere except Hong Kong, China, the U.S. and Saudi Arabia: