Prune Ranking Greece After The Rallying Cry Of The Referendum

Prune Ranking Greece After The Rallying Cry Of The Referendum

2 July 2015, 14:18
Rating agency Fitch slashed Greece's credit rating on Tuesday from "CCC" to "CC" are particularly vulnerable to default (default) following failure of talks bailouts (bailout) and appeal to the Government of Greece the referendum.
"The details of the negotiations between the Governments of Greece and its creditors have significantly increased the risk that Greece will not be able to respect the obligation of debts in the coming months, including Treasury bonds owned by the private sector," said Fitch.

"We are now seeing defaulted on government debt held by the private creditors as possible." Fitch noted that polls show more citizens of Greece support the bailouts put up for voting on Sunday, even though the Government of Greece recommends to reject it.

Even so, the Agency said, the risk of a "no" vote is significant. In our view, vote "no" will dramatically increase the risk of Greece out of the euro zone.

"It seems to come out (of the euro zone) is probably going to be messed up because the Government is currently not possible to cooperate with European authorities in the peristiwan." And even with a "Yes" vote, he said, the country's finances will remain "precarious", especially because it could mean the fall of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and the challenge of forming a new Government.

With pile pressure on countries of more abundance of debt service payments are increasingly approaching maturity, the country will have difficulty.

Fitch noted that the steps the Government of Greece has led the European Central Bank restricting financing of liquidity for the bank-bank of Greece.

Fitch then trim the ranks of four major bank Greece into a "restricted default" on Monday, because the bank could not meet all the demand depositors capital under control.
