Open Close Orders One Hotkey
- ユーティリティ
- Sergey Oleinik
- バージョン: 1.6
- アップデート済み: 21 7月 2020
The utility is designed to open Buy and Sell market orders and close all positions. Opening and closing positions by pressing the hot key. How to open and close positions with voice using the utilities of this type, see in the video under the description.
- The keys "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0" send a request to open Buy orders with predefined values Lot , Take Profit, Stop Loss, Magic.
- The keys "Q", "W", "E", "R", "T", "Y", "U", "I", "O", "P" send a request to open Sell orders with predefined values Lot , Take Profit, Stop Loss, Magic.
- Key "Esc" sends a closure request, to predefined values: all orders for purchase, sale, profitable orders, loss orders, stop orders and limit orders.
In the settings you can assign hotkeys from the list:
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Esc, ScrollLock, Pause, Tilde, Dash, PlusEqually, BackSpace, Insert, Home, PageUp, NumLock, Tab, LeftBracket, RighBracket, Delete, End, PageDown, CapsLock, Semicolon, Apostrophe, Enter, Shift, LessThanSign, GreaterThanSign, Slash, Pipe, Up, Ctrl, Alt, Space, Left, Down, Right, PrintScreen, WinLeft, WinRight.
Utility flawsDoes not work in the strategy tester.
Since the keystroke perceives only the active window, the chart window should always be active (click on the chart with the mouse).
- SETTINGS_1 FOR 1 ORDER BUY - settings for Buy orders, 1 ... 10 orders.
- HOT KEY FOR OPENING "1" - open request key.
- LOT SIZE - lot volume.
- TAKE PROFIT - take profit.
- STOP LOSS - stop loss.
- MAGIC BUY 1 - magic number.
- SETTINGS_11 FOR 1 ORDER SELL - settings for orders Sell, 1 ... 10 orders.
- HOT KEY FOR OPENING "Q" - open request key.
- LOT SIZE - lot volume.
- TAKE PROFIT - take profit.
- STOP LOSS - stop loss.
- MAGIC SELL 1 - magic number.
- SETTINGS_21 FOR SLIPPAGE - slippage settings.
- SLIPPAGE FOR OPENING ALL ORDERS - slippage (for all orders).
- SETTINGS_22 FOR CLOSE - settings close all.
- HOT KEY FOR CLOSE ALL "Esc" - request key for closing.
- CLOSE BUY - close all buy orders.
- CLOSE SELL - close all sell orders
- CLOSE PROFIT - close all orders which are in profit.
- CLOSE LOSS - close all orders which are in loss.
- MAGIC FOR CLOSE - the magic number by which the utility closes orders.
- SLIPPAGE FOR CLOSE - Closing slippage.
need mt5 coded