Experiment - page 210


It's the same as always. Once upon a time, one crooked-handed person made this thing, and then everyone else used it without a second thought.

After a long time, the craft has spread so widely that it has become universal. "Like everyone else!"

That's what's so funny and sad.

Aleksandr Volotko #:

Don't whistle so much.

Study the question first, miracle.
Vladimir Karputov #:

You can't broadcast such ignorance

OK, I suppose you're right. Then the question is: what percentage of the increase in Renate's signal will be?

My formula works out as follows:

For example, for the last value, the formula is as follows:

((60.8/40.33) * (76.31/74.2) *(129.99/103.21)-1)*100 = 95.27

The result according to the formula does not correspond to the result shown in the signal.


super correct calculation and robot/TC evaluation is the difference between withdrawals and deposits (including the initial one). While Renat is on the downside :-)

everything else is mostly about marketing

Aleksei Stepanenko #:

OK, I suppose you are right. Then the question is: what percentage of the increase in Renate's signal will be?

The formula I have got is as follows:

For example, for the last value, the formula is as follows:

((60.8/40.33) * (76.31/74.2) *(129.99/103.21)-1)*100 = 95.27

The result according to the formula does not correspond to the result shown in the signal.

No matter how you count, you end up with 0
:) yes, you are right, friends. Oleg has raised a fair point here, that perhaps the signal increase figures are not correct.
Aleksei Stepanenko #:

OK, I suppose you are right. Then the question is: what percentage of the increase in Renate's signal will be?

The formula I have got is as follows:

For the example, for the last value, the formula is as follows:

((60.8/40.33) * (76.31/74.2) *(129.99/103.21)-1)*100 = 95.27

The result according to the formula does not correspond to the result shown in the signal.

Continue reading:

How is Growth in Signals calculated?
The increment shows the growth of the account balance. The calculation is carried out in such a way as to exclude the influence of withdrawals and deposits.

The entire trading history of the account is divided into periods between balance operations (withdrawals and deposits). Thetotal growth factor (K) is first calculated by multiplying the coefficients calculated for each inter-balance period (OTP) and then the total percentage growth is calculated.
Коэффициент прироста К = (Баланс до БО1/Начальный депозит) * (Баланс до БО2/Баланс после БО1) * ... * (Баланс до БОn/Баланс после БОn-1)

Прирост в процентах = (К - 1) * 100%

In the graph below, the large red dots indicate balance sheet transactions and the dotted lines indicate the intervals in which the growth is calculated:

Calculation of growth

In this case, the total growth for the account will be calculated as follows:
Коэффициент прироста К = К1 * K2 * K3 = (6 615/10 000) * (17 847/11 115) * (15 547/14 847) = 1.1

Прирост в процентах = (K-1) * 100% = (1.1 - 1) * 100 = 10%

In general, three times showed how to count, but apparently all too lazy to count. I am leaving the old section.

Vladimir Karputov #:

Read and read again:

How is Gain in signals calculated?
Gain shows the growth of the account balance. The calculation is done in such a way as to exclude the influence of withdrawals and deposits.

The entire trading history of the account is divided into the periods between the balance operations (withdrawals and deposits). First calculate the total upside ratio (K) by multiplying the ratios calculated for each inter-balance sheet (IB) period and then calculate the total percentage gain.
Коэффициент прироста К = (Баланс до БО1/Начальный депозит) * (Баланс до БО2/Баланс после БО1) * ... * (Баланс до БОn/Баланс после БОn-1)

Прирост в процентах = (К - 1) * 100%

In the graph below, the large red dots indicate balance sheet transactions and the dotted lines indicate the intervals in which the growth is calculated:

In this case, the total growth for the account will be calculated as follows:
Коэффициент прироста К = К1 * K2 * K3 = (6 615/10 000) * (17 847/11 115) * (15 547/14 847) = 1.1

Прирост в процентах = (K-1) * 100% = (1.1 - 1) * 100 = 10%

I've shown you three times how to count, but I guess everyone's too lazy to count. I'm leaving the old section.

If you read it a thousand times, if you learn it by heart, if you repeat it like a mantra - the error will not disappear and will not be corrected.

Show me with your "readings", where the 122% I asked you about, but you kept silent, as if you have not noticed.

Your stubbornness makes it impossible for you to think without shoring up.


like children for God's sake...

not so long ago there was a case of "the signal owner funded his account with open positions and what happened to subscribers".


especially when there are open positions

such funding is tantamount to loss, and admitting that the initial balance was taken "for nothing" and all the rest apparently also

If you see a profit in the signal, not announced by the author in the comments - it is a STOP sign, run away from there!

No matter how you count it, that's not the point. There's more interesting stuff here. Everyone's profits went into the red on Friday. Baskakov, for example, even hid his signal from shame. Yakovlev suffered a heavy drawdown. The top signalers went in the red.
That's what you need to pay attention to.
Is anyone able to answer why this happened???
Ha and Yusuf's minus has gone up too.