Indicators - page 6

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Yes? Then I'm willing to write and pay for it.)

So TC wrote right away:

write an indicator yourself? There is a strategy. It works. I have tested it for 3 years. I want to write an indicator that it will automatically calculate and give the trader the command to open the order. the price if I write the indicator 5000$ (expensive, because it works) It works only for currency. who will help with advice or something more????? I will be glad if you do not ignore it. Thanks.

And here it is:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies


Mikhail Bilan, 2018.09.06 16:59

Real trading being done on the account and now. The screenshots show everything and a non-smart person will understand the point. I'm not asking for ranting and reasoning! There's $28544 in the account at the moment. The amount earned from 2341$. I haven't lost any money. I'll think about sending screenshots and a report to the mail if I get a normal offer. The total turnover for yesterday was $725025.25 Will come putnee offer on e-mail which indicated. I'll think about it. And so need to just learn this here can be trained ...?

Alexandr Saprykin:
Maybe TC is partly based on intuition and can't be automated

You can automate anything. Including intuition.

You put the state into the NS. If someone made decisions based on intuition rather than random, the NS will pick up those patterns.

The Koreans also laughed at Google's attempt to pit a car against their champion. They said that Go is an intuitive game, it's impossible to calculate all the options.

However, AlphaGo made their champion, after which he strongly reconsidered his views on Neural Networks.

Alexandr Saprykin:

Nah, there's a turkey with an awesomely high super-income. The grail is worth at least $4,990.

I don't give a shit. I don't work for pennies,
Nikolay Demko:

You can automate anything. Including intuition.

You put the state into the NS. If someone made decisions based on intuition rather than randomness, the NS will pick up these patterns.

Randomness is indistinguishable from intuition. A neural network will not pick up the patterns 100% of the time either. There is always a percentage of error in the neural network calculations. That is why there is still no GRAIL.

Alexandr Saprykin:

Randomness is indistinguishable from intuition. Neural networks don't catch 100% of the patterns either. There is always a percentage of error in the neural network's calculations. That is why there is still no GRAIL.

The patterns will catch on, but if there are no patterns, there will be optimisation.))
Yuriy Asaulenko:
Ns patterns will catch on, but if there are no patterns, there will be optimisation.))

Just as with any indicator. Optimisation helps to find patterns over a period of time.


We are going down, we already reached the bottom at $30, it's time to go up.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems & strategy testing


Mikhail Bilan, 2018.09.06 16:59

Real trading is being done on the account and now. The screenshots show everything and a non-smart person will understand the point. I'm not asking for ranting and reasoning! There's $28544 in the account at the moment. The amount earned from 2341$. I haven't lost any money. I'll think about sending screenshots and a report to the mail if I get a normal offer. The total turnover for yesterday was $725025.25 Will come putnee offer on e-mail which indicated. I'll think about it. But I just need to find out what I can learn here...?

For your list of real trades on your symbol history (time gmt +/- different for different docs/brokers) an automated trading system is created. Screenshots, charts, and just pointing your finger "here, here, here" and a statement (preferably certified by your broker) are only needed for reference (as in the bearded joke: ".... is not needed"). ATS trades within +/- 15 minutes of those specified, and/or in the best input. Result in ex5 executable file format.

Support during the year.

Cost of works $30000 + taxes/fees/commissions.


Everyone is playing on the downside, we have already reached the bottom of the $30 minimum, it's time to work on the upside.

The automated trading system is created by your list of real trades on your symbol history (time gmt +/- is different at different brokerage companies). Screenshots, charts, and just pointing your finger "here, here, here" and a statement (preferably certified by your broker) are only needed for reference (as in the bearded joke: "....-not needed"). ATS trades within +/- 15 minutes of those specified, and/or in the best input. Result in ex5 executable file format.

Support during the year.

The cost of the work is $ 30000 + taxes / fees / commissions.

What do you care about his state? I don't care if it's zero or minus. He says it's +, so it's +, what do we care? We trust people.
He who pays, he orders the music. I do not care about his state, etc - it's his problem.) I can replace any crap in Lexus for pennies, because it is not worth more.
Yuriy Asaulenko:
And what do you want his state? I don't care if it's zero or minus. If it's +, it's +. What do we care? We trust people.
He who pays, orders the music. I don't care about his state, etc. - it's his problem.)

To exclude personal fantasies not connected with reality). I can add on top of that, any desired transaction beyond the presented state (forgot, wanted, sick, could not) to be included in the ATC $ 1000 + taxes / fees / commissions. And generally do not care how the customer describes this transaction for himself, though the lions, even pokemonami.


To exclude personal fantasies unrelated to reality.) We can add on top of that any desired transaction outside the presented state (forgot, wanted, sick, couldn't) to be included in the ATS $1000+ taxes/fees/commissions. It doesn't matter how the customer describes the transaction, even if it's in lions or pokémon.

We don't even care. There's the client, there's the amount - that's it. What do you care how much the client has in his pocket? What matters is whether you agree to work for the money or not. That's it.