I want to build a PC to work with MT5, what do you advise and why? - page 52

Developers started to think that they are the top of the world, they put their shit in autoruns nobody needs and so on
Yuriy Zaytsev #:

Thanks for the feedback, been thinking about it too , there are water heatsinks for SSDs and chipsets.

MOSFET transistors of VRM of the processor power subsystem usually heat up most of all when the last
is significantly loaded. On some boards they have heatsinks, which are cooled by a standard
fan-cooler. With water cooling they may overheat.
And electrolytic capacitors located nearby may fail with time.
It is also desirable to provide cooling of the multicontroller - it is also in the risk zone.

If at the household level, it is better to turn on the PC at full load and periodically feel the elements
of the motherboard with your fingers if you don't have a pyrometer. This way it will be clearer what requires additional cooling.

Alexander Sevastyanov #:

The MOSFET transistors of the VRM of the processor's power supply subsystem usually heat up the most when the latter
is significantly loaded. On some boards they have heatsinks, which are cooled by a standard
fan-cooler. With water cooling they may overheat.
And electrolytic capacitors located nearby may fail with time.
It is also desirable to provide cooling of the multicontroller - it is also in the risk zone.

If at the household level, it is better to turn on the PC at full load and periodically feel the elements
of the motherboard with your fingers if you don't have a pyrometer. This way it will be clearer what requires additional cooling.

Thanks for the useful tips!

When I will assemble, which is not soon, probably the end of November, maybe the beginning of December - I will describe the feelings.

Some things are still on the way.

traveller00 #:
Regarding ECC. Completely uncontrolled bitflips happen unacceptably much even on 8GB memory https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23587591/software-memory-bit-flip-detection-for-platforms-without-ecc

This leads to unpredictable results. With so many potential errors, it's a miracle that the OS can run for months without any visible faults. Personally, I don't consider memory above 4GB without ECC for myself.
Thanks for the review. What about overclocking? Many boards are overclocked and overclocked frequencies are indicated in the rating, and they are overclocked by default, is it better not to take them?
G1G2G3 #:
Thanks for the feedback. What about overclocking? Many boards are overclocked and overclocked frequencies are indicated in the rating, and they are overclocked by default, is it better not to take such boards?

In my time, when I was actively involved in hardware in one of the computer companies, what I had to see. And relabelled chips on DIMMs, and honest chip markings, but with parameters written in SPD, which are obviously not standard for these chips. And even processors with overwritten labelling. I had to write my own software to detect such cases.

JRandomTrader #:

In my time, when I was actively involved in hardware in one of the computer companies, I saw a lot of things. And re-marked chips on DIMMs, and honest chip labelling, but with parameters written in SPD, which are obviously not standard for these chips. And even processors with overwritten labelling. I had to write my own software to detect such cases.

Yes, it is not written on the memory itself that it is overclocked, I learnt it from the motherboard manufacturer, who built a test bench. In the motherboard and memory compatibility sheet it was written the nominal and actual frequency.
G1G2G3 #:
Thanks for the feedback. What about overclocking? Many boards are overclocked and overclocked frequencies are indicated in the rating, and they are overclocked by default, is it better not to take such boards?
Personally, I try not to overclock anything and do not use overclocked, the risk is growing and the profit is doubtful. Especially if something serious is going on, not just another shooting game. In special cases look at server components, reliability is the first priority there and it is a less popular segment to cheat there.
traveller00 #:
Personally, I try not to overclock anything and not to use overclocked stuff, the risk grows and the profit is doubtful.

This is the right approach. In our country every second person considers himself smarter than Intel / AMD engineers.
They - fools do not realise that it is possible to use stones and memory at higher frequencies. ))))
Actually overclocking significantly reduces reliability and resource of equipment.

Of course there is a profit, but in the short term. Imho overclocking is justified only in
in some competitions. Like a forced engine in a car. )))


To reduce noise, buy a semi-passive power supply, there is a button adjustable, there is by temperature

I chose azus 450watt, it turns on the fan after 130watt, the 650watt model turns on the fan at 250, which is a lot, the CPU in the calculations will fry quickly such a power supply.

Memory is better to take another, in this I see oak frequency and timing, it means it is on oak chips, and when installing 4 boards frequency is always greatly reduced, the calculations can greatly degrade, memory overclocking is definitely needed gives a strong boost to the system, it remains only to find out how MT reacts to it.

All the more all memory with heatsinks is already overclocked,

And in ddr5 all memory has some kind of cess corrector.