What would it take to get everyone to finally switch to MT5? (collecting opinions) - page 25


The dialectic of the process is as follows:

The development of the language before MQL4, led to success, but the continued development (from MQL4 towards MQL5) began to take the language away from its target audience . A new language offered a bunch of entities to the average person's mind and caused rejection. But it was impossible not to develop in the direction of MQL5, as advanced users were always asking to add something, while the developers needed bread. Consequently, further development and withdrawal from the target audience was predefined. And now there will be a new round of dialectic process - a return towards simplification and the renewed popularity among the masses, but already on a new (MQL5) basis.


only the developer can know all the pros of new products, the moment they are invented


Only now you need to properly and intelligibly convey their knowledge -- and convey it to the unsophisticated user (the most mass-market and therefore key user).

That is, in fact, what we are talking about.

The questions of MT5 primacy and "how to force" to switch from MT4 to MT5 have been arising for not one, not two, and not even five years.

Hedging has been added, ITime, iClose, etc. have been added, the code base is full of examples (mass publics have shown the same thing from so many different angles) - and there are a lot of advantages in MT5 testing - and still the problem of the transition from MT4 to MT5 is being discussed.

So there is a reason? The reason has to be found out.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Who cooks whom? If you have implemented an api, then I write in whatever I want and learn wherever I want, pluses, sharps, whatever, and there are enough materials. If you consider the api documentation as training ...

Oh, and this... How many different licences I've seen, I haven't seen any free ones, and I've searched hard, but there aren't any, and what some people think is free is nothing more than a fantasy.

What are these proprietary? http://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.ru.html
Various Licenses and Comments about Them - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation
  • www.gnu.org
This page is maintained by the Free Software Foundation's Licensing and Compliance Lab. You can support our efforts by making a donation to the FSF. Have a question not answered here? Check out some of our other licensing resources or contact the Compliance Lab at licensing@fsf.org. We classify a license according to certain key criteria...
Andrey F. Zelinsky:

What does OOP and standard library have to do with it?

You can easily manage without OOP in MQL5, knowing neither what a class is, nor what a standard library is.

But if we look at explanations of local gurus, all we see is "look for the SB class ...", "inherit the SB class ...", "write your own class ...".

I.e. the word "class" and "standard library" invariably go side by side.

Open the description of SB in the documentation: "trade classes", "class/group", "class to work ...", "direct descendants", "methods".

For beginners, who don't go to MQL5 because of OOP -- they just don't have any chance.

You don't need to know such things to use standard trading functions at all. Knowing the structure, how to use it, is enough.

But when you want, for example, to turn a MONO currency EA into a multi-currency one, you can do it without a class.

But when you start to declare numerous arrays, the program turns into mush.

That's where the class comes in. And you must know how to declare variables in a class, how to access them, the constructor, the destructor, but not much else.

It only takes 3 lessons of 2 hours each to learn and use these concepts. But only to turn a Monovalutnik into a multi.

And in general, OOP is not for dumb programmers.

Many do not manage to master it. For instance, such notions as templates, operator and class overloading, virtual functions and classes.

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

You don't need to know such things at all to use the standard trading functions. Knowing the structure, how to use it, is enough.


Petros, if you read anyone but yourself, you'd be worthless. You have now come to or are coming to the conclusion I outlined above.

For a beginner, stuffing trading classes and methods of the standard library into all corners without measure won't give you an understanding of the language's trading functions.

The MQL5 trading functions are nowhere mentioned at all - they are replaced by conversations about only the methods and classes of the Standard Library.


Who is preparing who? If you have implemented an api, then I write in whatever I want and learn wherever I want, pluses, sharpe, whatever, and there are enough materials. If you consider documentation for api as training ...

You are right. The only way to develop is through an API. At least all software is moving towards open systems, mainstream, so to speak).

As for closed communities, they are doomed. Unless they are artificially nurtured, but even in this case, no development is expected.

Although, the closed MQL community may also have a profound commercial sense.


The language has nothing to do with it. Of the MT4/MT5 users only 5-10% are trying to code something of their own. The rest of them, at the best case, can download something from CodeBase or Market. They don't care absolutely about what is inside it: classes, schmucks, functions, routines.

Imagine having to explain to a user who does not use programming and Expert Advisors why MT5 is better than MT4. The speed, the scalability, the clean architecture... - all this is empty sounding to ordinary users. So there is hardly an argument to be made.

Vasiliy Sokolov:

The language has nothing to do with it. Of the MT4/MT5 users only 5-10% are trying to code something of their own. The rest of them, at the best case, can download something from CodeBase or Market. They could not care less what is inside it: classes, schmucks, functions, routines.

Imagine having to explain to a user who does not use programming and Expert Advisors why MT5 is better than MT4. The speed, the scalability, the clean architecture... - all this is empty sounding to ordinary users. So there is hardly an argument to be made.

Suppose there are 5-10 percent of coders and the rest don't care what platform. Then divide users into two categories - active users (coders) and passive users (subscribers of signals, manual traders, market buyers).

If all the first category users switch to MT5, the rest will follow them. After all, coders will write, sell and publish programs for MT5, and passive users will take what is offered, as before.

So the task is to convince coders to switch to MT5, and the issue will be solved.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Petros, if you read anyone but yourself, you wouldn't be worth much. You have now come to or are coming to the conclusion I outlined above.

For a beginner, shoving trading classes and methods of the standard library in all corners without measure doesn't give an understanding of the language's trading functions.

The MQL5 trading functions are nowhere mentioned at all - they are replaced by conversations about only the methods and classes of the Standard Library.

If others understand what you want, let others explain it to me.

Let newbies tell me what their difficulty is.

For trading functions there is thisMQL5 ReferenceTrading Functions.

I also use them, for example I usePositionSelect for position searching.

And instead ofOrderSend I prefer to use standard functions.

Реter Konow:

Suppose there are 5-10% of coders and the rest do not care about the platform. Then let's divide users into two categories - active users (coders) and passive users (signal subscribers, manual traders, market buyers).

If all the first category users switch to MT5, the rest will follow them. After all, they will start to write, sell and publish programs for MT5, and the passive ones will use what is offered as before.

So, the task is to convince coders to switch to MT5 and the issue will be solved.

True, only a professional coder is, first and foremost, a person who serves the interests of others. Who in his/her mind would remove all his/her products from the Market for MT4, depriving himself/herself of the possibility to earn money? Who will refuse his freelance orders on MT4 just because it is MT4?

The percentage of coders is really 5-10, but there are still enough of them to create competition with each other. If there is one such dartan, the rest will just twiddle their thumbs and continue serving MT4-users. Only MQ can make a significant impact, if only because it owns both MT4 and MT5. But all this influence is forced draconian measures, and in fact a deliberate trashing of the established ecosystem in MT4. No one in their right mind would do that.