FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 550

You have to register to see the forecast, I'm too lazy to do it at the moment.
Ishim: everything has been ready for a long time.

Fuck them and their forum...

The Eurozone is keeping the course low. That is their policy.
I think they would love to raise it, just can't
You have to register to watch the forecast, I am too lazy to do it now.
MQL(4,5) Everything is simple and clear.

Fuck them and their forum...

Yeah, I think so too. I'll sign up later.
You have to register to see the forecast, I'm too lazy to do it at the moment

I didn't know, it didn't seem to exist before (((

Do you think you'll get a third tooth?
Yeah and a 4th too. LOL)))) Maybe you should do something else, like planting flowers or something.)

didn't know, it didn't seem to happen before (((.

Ah you cheat... Here's your prediction for Friday.


Oh, you cheat... Here's your prediction for Friday.

see floor above Saturday's! (which means that politicians have not yet reached an agreement and Friday's trip to Moscow did not give a breakthrough)
I'm going to go see Dimka Kisiljov