FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 368

It's your imagination that draws it, Doll included)

so be it...

5145 - 5126 will put it in the sell for debt at 4872...

I've been poking around somewhere=) and concluded that the pound is working off debts for 3-4 weeks (longest was 5 and only 1 time)

now week 4=) remaining debt at around 5450. most likely going in partly red scenario. return to 5450 zone followed by return to 5030 roughly stop buyers.can't rule out the opposite


i have been poking around somewhere=) and concluded that the pound is working off debt for 3-4 weeks (longest was 5 and only 1 time)

now week 4=) debt left at around 5450. most likely going in partly red scenario. return to 5450 area followed by return to 5030 roughly stop the buyers.can't rule out the reverse


Yesterday, starting from 5020 or so, there was a lot of gaining in the gdp today.

The fall on Wednesday was solely due to the eu. i don't think the pound is that weak.


Yesterday, starting from 5020 or so, there was a lot of gaining in the gdp today.

The fall on Wednesday was solely due to the eu. i don't think the pound is that weak.

Kukl drew everything in advance...

Yesterday, starting from 5020 or so, there was a lot of gaining in the gdp today.

The fall on Wednesday was solely due to the eu. i don't think the pound is that weak.

Don't scare the lads, they are already on sale to the max))))
Don't scare the youngsters, they're already in sales up to their...)))
in boo, mind you!

By the way=) it's just a distraction=)

США и Россия: битва iPhone 6 и YotaPhone 2 / Hi-Tech.Mail.Ru
США и Россия: битва iPhone 6 и YotaPhone 2 / Hi-Tech.Mail.Ru
Немецкий телеканал снял видеосюжет о битве YotaPhone 2 и Apple iPhone 6. Для сравнения были выбраны ведущие российская и американская разработки — YotaPhone 2 и iPhone 6. Девайсы посоревновались во времени и скорости работы, качестве экранов, сборки, а также фотографий. Кто же стал победителем? Все ответы на видео.
in boo, mind you!
What's the point of your boo, but the 82pp and the boo on the 5011 that closed yesterday is yes)
What's the point of your boo, but the 82pps closed yesterday and the boo on the 5011 is yes)
Okay, the grail is suspended...