FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 254


at a pound you can sell


I'll post the forecast until March (it's not a good idea)


I'll post the forecast until March (it's not a good idea)

Red looks plausible)
Red looks plausible)
they all look plausible ( key word plausible) the question is what will be decided there =)
they all look plausible ( key word plausible) the question is what will be decided there =)
Hi Myth! thanks for sticking up for me(when the trolls were burying)
Hey, Myth! Thanks for sticking up for me (when the trolls were burying me).
You should be whipped more often so you don't do crap.)
the red one looks plausible)
By the way=) old man, you're a bit of a contradiction yourself, remember the bonus .... that you wrote... do you think it will be paid???
You should be whipped more often so you don't do shit.)
a lot more often.)

duckbills sat in a swamp and counted the stars .... ))))))

zy-zy - on other people's shoulder straps.

By the way=) old man, you're a bit of a contradiction yourself, remember the premium.... that you wrote... do you think they'll pay out???
they could just keep it at strike 15 until it expires, here and there)