FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1392


The volumes have definitely run out in KD...

See, friend )))) Everything in the universe is conditioned )))

And I didn't write that someone else's opinion wasn't worthy of consideration.

The example and the comparison to breast milk is mildly inaccurate. It's none of my business. Aren't those your pearls?

So how do you reconcile my opinion that you made an incorrect comparison with the fact that you inferred that I seem to think someone else's opinion, other than mine, is not worthy of consideration?

Myths to justify the use of alcohol

Give me an example of where I promoted drinking

Give me an example first of a post where I wrote that you allegedly advertised use. I wrote that what you write looks like you are trying to justify alcohol use. If that's not the case, then you can try to formulate your thoughts in some other way.

And where did you get the information that breast milk has 0.3 grams of alcohol?

I hope you know how to Google it, and by the way, it was 0.03%.

Here it is:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences 2015

Nestradamus, 2015.04.21 14:17

You're not using logic again. When you were a baby you drank 200g of milk per kg of weight per day. That's a litre a day. That's 0.3g of alcohol, so that's 0.06g/kg. A man who weighs 100kg takes 100g of vodka and has 40g/100kg. = 0.4g/kg. Quite comparable quantities.

You are comparing endogenous alcohol, which is in the blood of a perfectly sober person and is produced naturally by normal metabolism, to ethyl alcohol.

Draw one differencebetween endogenous alcohol and ethyl alcohol, you mendelev... well, or the usefulness of the former... you know, like it doesn't make your red blood cells stick together...

It's not about the difference, it's about the quantity.

Your value is....Don't you think defining someone else's value is the height of arrogance, or are you still in the SS? the Sonderkommando...?

Do you think a person's value lies in what they consume? My thought is correct and doesn't demean you as a human being, on the contrary. Try to read it once again and carefully. And instead of presenting fragments of quoted thoughts, give a complete quote. Otherwise, it looks like fudging.


Something you have too many distortions. You only emphasize your wrongness with every post you make. Not only do you misunderstand what you are being answered, but you try to make a conflict out of it with false accusations.

You could simply end this dialogue. But if you really want to, you can ask questions, of course. )))

I lead you to believe it and you ignore it. Anyway, when you have a nursing wife and kids, you'll understand.

Ask those who know me. I have grandchildren older than you. And what you're trying to understand, I'll soon forget.

And if your child is underfed... my condolences...

Are you talking about trends or consequences now? )))

Ask those who know me. I have grandchildren older than you. And what you're trying to understand, I'll soon forget.

And if your child is underfed... my condolences...

So why are you googling? You've really forgotten everything...? Well, I'm trying to remind you how it is. You're a conflicted man. It's time to end this conversation.
I lead you to the point and you ignore it. Anyway, when you have a nursing wife and kids, you'll understand.
That's no reason not to put commas.
Are you talking about trends or consequences now? )))
Trends in brain decomposition as a consequence of use
that's no reason not to put commas.
my fault - my head is a rattlesnake
The tendency for the brain to decay as a consequence of use

It's not just the brain. It's much sadder than that.

Are you talking about trends or consequences now? )))
... And in the meantime the euro kept going up, the Chronotron sat there, panting, turning its dials...- nothing was happening (((( "contagion" was going up.