FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1393

... Meanwhile, the euro continued to rise, the Chronotron sat, panting, spinning its dials...- nothing happened (((( the "contagion" was going up.
and the options people were spinning their options
You see, friend )))) Everything in the universe is conditioned )))
I see, Batko, I see...
take care
... Meanwhile the Euro kept going up, the Chronotron sat there puffing, turning its dials...- nothing happened (((( the "contagion" kept going up.
Don't be sarcastic, Teacher ))) Did I promise you fiddling on top? ))) Enjoy and forget to sell ))))
I lead you to the idea and you ignore it. Anyway, when you have a nursing wife and kids, you'll understand.
Buy a bag of nappies, a box of baby food, some stuff from the drugstore... And let her feed herself.
Don't be sarcastic, Teacher ))) Did I promise you fiddling on top? ))) Enjoy and forget to sell ))))
where's the top?
Bought a bag of nappies, a box of baby food, some stuff from the drugstore... And let him feed himself.
That's the stuff we buy)) but we have to feed it with mama's milk))
Where's the top?
What is forex so there is weightlessness
where's the top?
The top is the high of the candle on which the frame closed )))
We buy all sorts of rubbish )) and you have to feed it with mama's milk ))
Sometimes there's no milk.