FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1336

... manna spilled into the bison pen, the platypuses sat hungry, snapping their beaks and glaring at the eldest ((((( (well, lead them on, Susanin...)
That's the one that's leaking the seventh pamm? ....

the 13th was a low of 0520 and what does shorting have to do with it?

don't put a grail on my trades, just within your forecasts, ok? )))

ok, i was just wondering where the bot was going. (was a short entry)
Is that the one that's leaking the seventh pamm? ....
well you tell about the prolonged correction - seriously and for a long time. )))))))))
network of bikes from 1.05 and up to today )))) // rocket science studies...
very sad (((((
... manna sprinkled on the bison in the corral

lunar sprinkle...


lunar sprinkling ...

martiners scare off )))) (and dreamers beaky)
Hasn't gotten there yet.
It will, it's not far
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very sad (((((
no profit without the missiles... i thought it would go further, but it didn't... or rather the bot. i hope he's right...
well you tell me about the protracted correction - seriously and for a long time. )))))))))
so watch what to tell.