FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1343

I haven't invested anywhere yet - these pams are theoretically a test. Did everyone sell the eu for a pullback? 1.075 - 1.06 !

Are a pullback and a bounce not the same thing?

FOMC members will soon be talking about it, I wonder what their opinion is?


Are a pullback and a bounce not the same thing?

FOMC members will be talking about this soon, I wonder what they think?

HE doesn't know them, they are not from Voronezh))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Are a pullback and a bounce not the same thing?

FOMC members will soon be talking about this, I wonder what their opinion is?

Different! a pullback is a pullback and a bounce comes right after a pullback when you get caught in the act
he doesn't know them, they are not from Voronezh))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
yeahaah, need, need Ishim to get into politics and live on kickbacks)))) no argument, there may be bounces too. there will be a difference...
Only dickheads like you. The normal ones bought or will buy on a pullback to 0950-10.
We'll be there and we'll be there to see - while we're here.
we'll be there we'll be there watching - while we're here.
That's all you'll be looking at, because you're stupid.
yes, yes, we need, we need Ishim to get into politics and live on kickbacks)))) no arguments, there may be bounces too. one will see the difference there... !!!
HE does not know them, they are not from Voronezh))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

From Lizyukova Street. )))

From Lizyukova Street. )))
! It's raining! )))

From Lizyukova Street. )))

How do you know? )))))))))))))) He lives there))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))