FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1204


No, brother, I'm going to go.

I can already see it ))) But some people said yesterday, that first we will go to 1.097, then to 1.077 and only then we may go over
I can already see it ))) But yesterday some people said, that they would go to 1.097, then to 1.077 and there we may go over.
I'm a cd. I don't like to fool around.
I'm a cd. I don't like fooling around.

You are fooling around with her, someone farted here, someone there, they are the same way as our teenagers. I will talk to you a little more, I will not write here from the village, so what).

Idler, in cd or tape, you only need to look for good volumes, and they come once or twice a month, so what's the point of staring at it?

You are fooling around with her, someone farted here, someone there, they are the same way as our teenagers. I'll talk to you some more, I won't write here from the village, so what).
Uncle, I'm adjusting to the forum. But it's 0.8. And the pound is in.

You are fooling around with her, someone farted here, someone there, they are the same way as our teenagers. I will talk to you a little more, I will not write here from the village, so what).

In Aydler, the cd or the ribbon, you only need to look at good volumes, and they come once or twice a month, so what's the point of gawking there?

i shoot for 20 pips. i'd trade on the m5 for the bargain.
There are only two ways down or up but few people guess, those who go down also lose those who go up, it is not clear how it is possible
Uncle, I adapted to the forum. But it's 0.8.
Pound at 46-47, make a good lot and you'll be happy)
there are only two ways down or up, but few people guess, those who go down are also losing those who go up - it is unclear how it is possible
it's hard not to take profits, it's hard to take them
Pound at 46-47 take a good lot and you'll be happy)
here's the pound for the downside before the bounce


Those who can't see anything, for whatever reason, please pass by in silence)
