FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1059

I'll show you what I want.)
Close the cape! There are children here)

baited the pound with a stop of 20

Does anyone get a buy or sell signal on a Sequence - a combination of closing prices over 9 consecutive days? For example, buy if there are the following conditions: for at least 9 days the closing prices were less than the closing prices of the 4 days before each day of that sequence (for example if the closing price on Friday is less than the closing price on Monday in the same week (assuming Tues-Thurs trading days), then that defines one day of a possible nine-day set-up. However, if Friday's closing price is equal to or greater than Monday's closing price, then this day will not be considered as one of the nine days' possible set-up days for buying or are all intraday only trades? ? Who is watching for reversals?

stranger here you have on the picture there are 2 untouched levels ...1.4972-95 and 1.4696-1.4743...

How do you know which way it will probably go?


things are bad in america (according to the news)

Can't you stop pounding the pound?)


stranger here you have on the picture there are 2 untouched levels ...1.4972-95 and 1.4696-1.4743...

How do you know which way it will probably go?

The question is, when to jump in, and into what? my guess is, into physical gold at 800.

Whoever wanted, could draw a line and trade in that direction to the last level ( 1.4795). Friday... the level was taken. new calculations will be made on Monday. =)

FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015. - Страница 987 - Категория: общее обсуждение

things are bad in america (according to the news)

Can't you stop pounding the pound?)

The bulls will roll and then we can...)
Myth, are you going to buy the pound now? 400 pips?
Myth, are you going to buy the pound now? 400 pips?
stop 35 pips =) although i could go as low as 1.4500 =) after 30-40 pips. with a stop of about 2-6%