FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1058


Who trades I think have sold out, I didn't ask them)

There was a thought of a correction to 63.

Strange, I've known you for years. I remember when you used to trade on pilots. and periods of love for Grandpa... I'm telling you in a fucking professional manner: there is no point in options. they were invented by very smart analysts who did not risk a single penny of their own. but you can wank the management's brains out. Myth once cleverly said that money knows where it is going to go. we are trying all sorts of non-linear difuras here in our community. and futures.....
There's no wordfrom stranger: ,,,,Maybe he's up to something?
There's no wordfrom stranger: ,,,,,Maybe he's up to something?
so what's up with the number that's ruling the market?
That's right, just yesterday I wanted to get into a bit of a sell on the pound and with these moves it's all pro....
I managed to add on 1.5000. ))
Strange, I've known you for years. I remember when you used to trade on pilots. and periods of love for Grandpa... I'm telling you in a fucking professional manner: there's no point in options. they were invented by smart analysts who didn't risk a single penny of their own. but they can wank the management's brains out. Myth once cleverly said that money knows where it is going. we are trying all sorts of non-linear difuras in our community. and futures.....
He's already "fudgingly professional" answered that he does not trade options. )))
I managed to add on 1.5000. ))
Why the ex post facto? You could have shared it with the people...
Why the ex post facto? You could have shared it with the people...
The people should be strictly shown post-factum, then there would be no shouting for two days in the branch that it is the wrong place.
The people should be strictly shown post factum, then there will not be shouting for two days in the branch that it is in the wrong place.

So post facto, you can say and show anything you like, what is the point?

Only predictions! Everything else is heresy!

Rack the heretics !!!!


So post facto, you can say and show anything, what's the point?

Only predictions! everything else is heresy!

Whatever I want, I show it.)

Two lazy Jews. i wouldn't bet, but my figure of 0.8 is voiced.

well, that's cool.

Кедми: Армия Евросоюза против Армии России. Кто победит?
Кедми: Армия Евросоюза против Армии России. Кто победит?
  • 2015.03.12
Евросоюз стоит на пороге создания собственных вооруженных сил. Понятно, что новая армия планируется как противовес российским войскам. Известный военно-полит...