FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 517


ok, jokes are jokes, i got 1240 on euros yyyy... but i don't trade it=)

Most likely, they will take out the last buyers and load the villagers into the wagons up to the eyeballs =)

if they do decide to go to the bottom =)

I do not know about the euro, but on the pound the same traders will buy sells up to the hilt and they will do it. The euro is 1.29-30 or thereabouts, I think.
This has already been debunked on all sides.

well, there's this one....


well this one....

It might jump up, but it's sold out, so sell higher, stay away from buying.

and someone invested in Magnit shares...

It may jump up, but it's sold out, so sell higher, stay away from buying.
i don't go into the yen for a long time, it's no longer an accordion but an accordion! ))))

will be the same as on the pound.

not sorry...

I'll keep it liquid... poke a pause in your scenario...


my 5 cents ))))

A little late....

I'll keep it liquid... I'm gonna put a hold on your scenario...

on the pound, here's an interesting spot...


on the pound, here's a favourite, an interesting place...

It's interesting in that there's no bullshit there.

So, has everyone added to the pound? It's going to go further up.

That was close. Just 1 point before the stop. )))