Interesting and Humour - page 783

Oh, here we go, it's all back.
The sound and the light and the oxygen.
Have you people fallen asleep?
( Granit77

Is it colder in St. Petersburg than in Moscow?



Another great picture. 100% photo. It looks like a picture.



It's summer there, it's peak today.

I don't drive here. Or not a rider. I lived in a tent for half a month at -42. Fun, but now I don't like cold weather.)


It's summer there, it's peak today.

I don't drive here. Or not a rider. I lived in a tent at -42 for half a month. Fun, but now I don't like cold weather.)

Couldn't make up my mind at the time, what kind of bear are you, white or brown? )) Turned out to be brown. ))

Even too brown at times...