Interesting and Humour - page 786


don't smoke writers, don't smoke


Oksanka has been de-anonymised, you know?

But the comments are already on tkontakte.

The Americans have an anthill of planes that seem to be the only way to get around.

Meanwhile, in Ukraine, the Ministry of Revenues and Levies has been created.

I can't explain why, but I don't like the name of the new ministry.

Oksanka has been de-anonymised, you know?

But the comments are already on tkontakte.

Yeah, I saw it yesterday.

Slavonic phrasebook: (18+)

Cool story bro - Khladen thy tale, boyar;
∙ Facepalm - Chloédlanie, Lycopladonie, Lycoprice
∙ For great justice - For the sake of the Last Judgement / God's judgment
∙ GTFO - Go away
∙ Just for lulz - Just for laughs, One sweat for
∙ LOL - SVG (I laugh very loudly)
∙ Sad but true - Sorrowful, yes true
∙ Tits or GTFO - Percy or GtFO
∙ Anon Deliver - Unknown Deliver
∙ Anonymous Delivered - Unknowing Delivered
∙ Afftar Rejoice - Scribe Rejoice
∙ Ban - Storytelling Into the Darkness Outside
∙ Banhammer - Sword-Widget
∙ Beetard - /B/ Beetle, /
∙ The Big Bastard - Holy Resurrection
∙ Bombila - The Pitman
∙ Bully - Tief, Rogue, Smerd, Servile
∙ Detected Bully - The Smerd Who Shows Himself! I see the niggers coming!
∙ Quickly, resolutely! - Borso, prebouemento!
∙ Your post saddens the Negroes - Saddens the Arabs with your writing
∙ Substances - Potions of the dope
∙ Take it and leave it - Yati da wickedly hit
∙ All p_____s and I am D'Artagnan - Sodomites around, and I am only Dobrynya Nikitich
∙ Hypnozhaba - The Lizard
∙ Goth - The Blighty Adolescent
∙ Grammarnatsi - The Fierce Scribe, the Gramophile
∙ Z__drot - The Possessed, hand-monger
∙ ImageBoard - The Shame Board
∙ IMHO - Inferno
∙ Interface - Betweenmind
∙ KG/AM - This creation stinks and the scribe is a lunatic
∙ Copypaste - Canon
∙ Crevedco - Wormhole Roach
∙ Little Dol__b - Child-beggar, Wimpy Kid, Wimpy Kid
∙ Manul - Pussycat
∙ Maniac - Pissy Bad Guy, Pissy Bad Guy
∙ Mat - Foul Language, Vile Words
∙ Moar! - Pace!
∙ Motivator - Motivator
∙ Nanotechnology - Outlandish wonders created by tsar and feeble-minded boyars for the sake of treasury.
∙ For example - Yaco ash
∙ Nyasilil - Velmi bukvits, not overpowered
∙ Nya - Ljubo, Premilo
∙ Ololo on bashorg! - Ogogo, to the bogs!
∙ Office Plankton - The Clerk, The Goat, The Ludishki Posadski
∙ Patsalom - Laughing Up the Bench
∙ Request - Ask, Be Honoured
∙ Respect - Confess, Grace Be in Your Mouth!
∙ Blackjack and slips - Grain and charms
∙ Slowpoke - Stupid Beast, Sloppy Beast, Slow Beast, Slow Beast
∙ Thank you, I'm sorry - Thank you, I'm sorry!
∙ Shit with bricks - Defecate with a clay pile
∙ Shfeil - God is shuffling
∙ Tread delivered - Thread is wickedly cheerful
∙ Troll - Lyshey, Omniscient, Troublemaker, Charming, Inglourious, Blasphemer, Gloomy, Creature of the Nave, Divisive
∙ Trollface - Smarmy Face
∙ UG - Calamity Calamity
∙ Hickey - Desertionist, The Hermit, The Unlikeliest
∙ Hollywave - The Zealous, The Yarrow of Spears, The Holy Spirit
∙ The Good, the Fit - The Blighty, the Lazy
∙ The Spanky - The Brat, ∙ Unwise child, childless child
∙ Emo - Tearjerker
∙ Epic - Bylinno
∙ I don't get it - I don't get it
∙ Yabvdul - I'd commit adultery