Interesting and Humour - page 702


"More than 25,000 signatures required for the petition have been submitted by states in the red belt, i.e. traditionally voting for Republican candidates."

Well done! They must be really pissed off with the Democrat Socialists.

So far, only 7 of the 23 petitions from 23 states have gotten the required number of signatures.
So far, only the petitions from 7 states out of the 23 submitted have collected the required number of signatures.
Yuri, "necessary" for what? ))
Yuri, "necessary" for what? ))

Who the hell knows? It says "needed", i.e. "necessary", but it doesn't say why.

"Signatures needed by December 12, 2012 to reach goal of 25,000"

Probably to deport the signatories along with the separatist state territory, as this petition says:


Who the hell knows? They said "needed", i.e. "necessary", but didn't say why.

"Signatures needed by December 12, 2012 to reach goal of 25,000"

" here, and no one knows " (c)



" here, and no one knows " (c).


- Alibaba, what's that for?

- Nada.

("Gentlemen of Fortune" playing)


It's not a detective or a thriller . It's something about love.) I watched it twice. I cried.


It's not a detective or a thriller . It's something about love.) I watched it twice. I cried.

Yeah, what he's doing to her, the Kamasutra's a mess.)

Metalwork is cool, it's beautiful, it's manly.

Can you imagine how much this EA costs, let's even say just the software part?

It's the ultimate grail!


It's not a detective or a thriller . It's something about love.) I watched it twice. I cried.

It's another civilization... another planet...