Interesting and Humour - page 709

You also have to be out of touch. You were on the phone.

It was in place of a camera. ))

But I do know that in society it is much harder to get rid of bad habits. In society you can acquire them easily...


That's why I love Zhirinovsky, a lot of heads would fly off here on this forum, I won't list it.

Please give me the whole list. If you're not too pissed off, of course.
There's probably a long queue.
Well, it's been 24 hours ((
Well, it's been 24 hours already ((
There's probably a big queue. Just in case.
There's probably a big queue there. Just in case.
Oh, thanks.
Oh, thanks.
There are more articles on hubra if you know what I mean.

I shit myself laughing.

Now I understand why Mischek moved to this forum =) poor guy is insulted and humiliated, especially interesting he writes in his profile About himself and there is a link to his topic of interest and humor proper here, good biography for a brain disabled =) =D
I'd love to laugh at myself too. But I haven't figured out where the joke is yet? Yeah, my head is full of sawdust. But where's the joke? Where's the joke? Help me out here.

It's a good sport. It's beautiful.

It's out of sync.