Interesting and Humour - page 4910

Edgar Akhmadeev #:
Naive )
He didn't bring her here to feed her, he brought her here to guard her.

You're right!


So now it makes sense to you why I posted the picture in the "Humour" thread?

Well, that's good!

Dmytryi Nazarchuk #:

So now it makes sense to you why I posted the picture in the "Humour" thread?

Well, that's good!

A little less hammy.

I wonder if the fact that this experience with the monks took place in history or is made up changes anything

about the theory of electricity? It doesn't change anything. Which begs the question, why make up

a fabrication? This raises the possibility that the experience did take place in history.

Mendeleev is a different matter. If he really did see the table in a dream, and although the chemistry itself

(whether he dreamt it or made it up with his forehead against the wall) it might increase people's interest

people's interest in their dreams - that's really unacceptable, I couldn't agree more.

Dmitry Fedoseev #:

I wonder if the fact that this experience with the monks took place in history or is made up changes anything

about the theory of electricity? It doesn't change anything. Which begs the question, why make up

a fabrication? This raises the possibility that the experience did take place in history.

Mendeleev is a different matter. If he really did see the table in a dream, and although the chemistry itself

(whether he dreamt it or made it up with his forehead against the wall) it might increase people's interest

people's interest in their dreams - that's really unacceptable, I couldn't agree more.

what's unacceptable?

i have a lot of project decisions made in my dreams,

yeah, i didn't know where to row during the day,

I get up in the morning - it clears up, I start coding... I mean, there's work going on in the background...

Denis Sartakov #:

What's wrong with that?

I quite often make project decisions in my sleep,

yes - during the day I didn't know where to row,

I get up in the morning, it clears up, I start coding... I mean, there's background work going on in my sleep...

Somebody feels bad about it. It rocks the boat.

Dmitry Fedoseev #:

I wonder if the fact that this experience with the monks took place in history or is made up changes anything about the theory of electricity. It doesn't change anything. Then the question arises - why was it necessary to make up a non-story?

I think it's like gossip: distorted as the option of using experimental monks seems ridiculous.

Dmitry Fedoseev #:

I wonder if the fact that this experience with the monks took place in history or is made up changes anything

about the theory of electricity? It doesn't change anything. Which begs the question, why make up

a fabrication? This raises the possibility that the experience did take place in history.

Mendeleev is a different matter. If he really did see the table in a dream, and although the chemistry itself

(whether he dreamt it or made it up with his forehead against the wall) it might increase people's interest

People are interested in their dreams - and this is really unacceptable, I cannot disagree with you there.

You should not, Dimitri, be so dismissive of dreams. It is inherent in nature and is reproduced in dreams involving seemingly unnecessary current and past received information.

For example me. When I dream of fish, a friend always comes over and we have a glass of cognac. This is just a clue to events to come.

Rarer striking dream-related incidents. I have not seen my classmates for 30 years and I meet them the next day. These are just startling facts in my life.

Sergey Gridnev #:
Hami is smaller.
By the way, the stuff about Mendeleev's dream and the apple falling on Newton's head are all jokes. And Mendeleev always denied "sleep" at all