Interesting and Humour - page 4884

Maxim Kuznetsov:

Our domestic construction sites are first characterised by crazy space... Construction/installation is done on a patch or two, but there will be three football fields, with car parks, gas stations, sheds, warehouses, temporary buildings... and a 'construction headquarters' is a must...
the number one task for the drone is to fly from edge to edge :-)

just know about it - video surveillance is demanded and ordered there.

I used to work on a construction site for a subcontractor. So one of the conditions of the contract was a daily photo-report (general) with sending via e-mail. So I got tired every night before sending workers to draw helmets. At the end of the job it turned out that we were the only organisation that had never been fined for a safety violation on the basis of the photo report, and the fines were issued once a month.

Олег avtomat:

Cryptocurrency exchange founders disappeared with $3.6bn worth of bitcoins

:-) , that's normal.

Олег avtomat:

Cryptocurrency exchange founders disappeared with $3.6bn worth of bitcoins


It's hard to disappear with that much money.


The perfect customer :

I need to buy a laptop so that it will last 10 years. I read the requirements for Windows 11.

I get the feeling that the makers of computers, laptops, and everything including smartphones etc. are conspiring with the makers of the software to get users to buy the new hardware. Then different software will be monetized. Right from the beginning -


Atleast two cores of at least 1 Gigahertz (GHz) on a compatible 64-bit processor or System-on-Chip (SoC)


4 gigabytes ( GB)


Parsing through the requirements, I've come to the conclusion that it's better to wait for the tech with Windows 11 pre-installed.

Some kind of a trap. On the one hand, if you buy it now, you won't meet the upgrade requirements, and if you buy it later, prices will presumably go up as everyone starts buying and you'll have to pay dearly.

Windows 11 технические характеристики – Microsoft
Найти обзор технических характеристик и функций Windows 11 от Майкрософт. Подробнее о требованиях Windows 11 к компьютеру и другая полезная информация.
Hooray, I won the tender! ! I won it from three other suppliers! I negotiated a 16-page contract with the client's lawyer, three of which I signed and mailed at different times. I was paid after collecting 6 signatures, according to the contract 30% of the amount. All this took about a month and a half. I brought and shipped the order in three days and was paid the remaining 70%, again collecting 6 signatures. I AM HAPPY! ! PS - the order was for a soldering iron worth 410r. This allowed the customer to cut the price from 413ti rubles! Long live the tender system! ! Only it will help us raise the economy, especially R&D! ! PPS - all this month and a half the customer's man could not work - the previous soldering iron had burnt out.
Son's essay on: "Mum's appearance" My mum is slim. She doesn't have very long legs, but she has flat feet in her feet. Her head is a little bigger than mine because she is very smart. She has grey-green eyes, very thin eyebrows and long eyelashes on her face. And on her eyelids, she doesn't have blue eyeshadow. Her nose is normal, but with a slight hump because she fell on her nose from a bicycle as a child. Her lips I see different colours all the time, she puts on lipstick in different shades all the time, depending on what she's wearing: an evening dress or homewear, a blouse with a skirt for work and so on... Mum also has even white teeth. She doesn't have a very long neck, I keep seeing a chain with a jewel on it. She's broad-shouldered, but it suits her. Mum has beautiful, feminine hands, on which she always has her nails painted. She paints them with white or clear nail polish. I think my mother and I have very wide bones and that's why my mother has a big pelvis. Her legs are straight because she didn't break them. I think Mum could be a model but she's very short and that's why they won't take her there. Daddy cried and asked me not to describe it.
Vitaly Murlenko:
Dad cried and asked me not to describe him.
Oh, thank God. I didn't need another sleepless night.
Vitaly Murlenko:
Hooray, I won the tender! ! I won it from three other suppliers! I negotiated a 16-page contract with the customer's lawyer, three of which I signed and mailed at different times. I was paid after collecting 6 signatures, according to the contract 30% of the amount. All this took about a month and a half. I brought and shipped the order in three days and was paid the remaining 70%, again collecting 6 signatures. I AM HAPPY! ! PS - the order was for a soldering iron worth 410r. This allowed the customer to cut the price from 413rub! Long live the tender system! ! Only it will help us raise the economy, especially R&D! ! PPS - all this month and a half the customer's man could not work - the previous soldering iron had burnt out.

Is this, like, an anecdote?

A single low-value item is procured without a tender.


Is this, like, an anecdote?

A single low-price item is procured without a tender.

My sense of humour is dulled today, I didn't sleep well...