Interesting and Humour - page 4877


Got a letter in the mail. One of the best programs according to traders can have a rating of only one star )

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

At least someone would have said "Peace! WORK! May!" shouted)

Dazdraperma !

Даздраперма, Тракторина, Пячегод: самые забавные и нелепые имена советской эпохи
Даздраперма, Тракторина, Пячегод: самые забавные и нелепые имена советской эпохи
Для каждой эпохи была характерна своя мода на одежду, прическу, стиль общения и даже на имена. В Советском Союзе после революции 1917 года и вплоть до его распада детям очень часто давали имена, образованные от символики того времени. Взять хотя бы всем известное Даздраперма - имя, созданное от лозунга «Да здравствует 1 Мая!» В этом обзоре представлены самые забавные имена, производные от географических названий, наук, революционной символики.
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

At least someone would have said "Peace! WORK! May!" shouted)

May, peace, work, kebab, vodka!



made an indicator on a quotation according to this principle

it's interesting.

I've been looking for it now and couldn't find it.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

At least someone should have said "Peace! WORK! MAY!" shouted.)

Yeah, Happy Awakening Day to the Good Goddess.)


An alien printer in action. It's interesting that there aren't many views.




Divorce proceedings. The judge speaks to the husband:
- Why did you decide to get a divorce anyway?
- I can't live with such a boring woman," explains the husband.
- Imagine: May Day, I sit down to watch the demonstration on the television, and she's standing next to me, itching, "When are you going to put the tree away, when are you going to put the tree away!"

Not a bad holiday today -International Harry Potter Day
Uladzimir Izerski:

An alien printer in action. It's interesting that there aren't many hits.

Why should there be many? You do realise this is a joke?