Interesting and Humour - page 4843


The ferocious rabbit


strange tea...


Who's "Syai"? Ugh, "Syai Kumys" ))

Man, I'm gonna get banned. __

Who's "Syai"? Ugh, "Syai Koumiss" ))

Shit, I'm gonna get banned. __

Yeah, I looked around to see if they looked back,

to see if I looked back...

troubled times, live and look back...

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Somewhere between the codes in the technical branches you could try to scold the authorities, but in this section it's better not to even hint at it.

Artyom will do that, and a daily nail ezih is assured

Владимир Лыткин:

write about the revolution in the code comments 😁


write about revolution in the comments in the code 😁

It's revolutionary))

Владимир Лыткин:

you have to write the date in the reply quote!!! or link to the post. There's something to that)))

Aleksey Nikolayev:

hamster harsh

Looks like the kind of hamster that bought TESLA shares in 2017
Aleksey Nikolayev:

So make jokes instead of your usual depressing alcoholic nonsense)

At least post a "hilarious" picture or something.)

It's Friday, we've closed our positions, taken out, and gone to Red&White.