Interesting and Humour - page 4790


Tough :)
Aleksei Mikhanoshin:
The topic is not covered !!!
Enter "Voronezh monument to Alenka" into the search engine and look at the pictures.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Enter "Voronezh monument to Alenka" into the search engine and look at the pictures.

Already decided to dismantle



Dmitry Fedoseev:
You type in "Voronezh Monument to Alenka" in the search engine and look at the pictures.

Very funny.

I saw it without a clue.

But even more hilarious was the commentary.

I laughed my cheeks off for about 15 minutes.

By the way, the town of Novovoronezh.

That's it. That's the coolest comment:
  • 2020.12.21
Скандальный памятник «Алёнка», который установили в Нововоронеже 18 февраля, снесут. Так решила инициативная группа на расширенном заседании. «Одним ужасом меньше. Власти Нововоронежа решили демонтировать памятник Аленке, по преданиям, основательнице города, который торжественно открыли ещё на прошлой неделе. Как не разбежались сразу от ужаса...
There was no hyaluronic acid back then, I think.

They've already decided to dismantle

What's wrong with the monument? It looks fine. That's what monuments are like:

if that's what Alionka looked like, then yes.

Andrey Dik:

What's wrong with the monument, it's fine. That's how monuments are:

if that's what Alyonka looked like, then yes.

If it looks like this, it's probably fate - you won't wake up ... ;))))

look for yourself, there's a photo

Renat Akhtyamov:

If you dream it, it's probably your destiny - you won't wake up ... ;))))

Check it out, there's a photo.

So the ugly founder of the city was, so what now?

You want to make monuments only to good-looking women? - You can't do that, it's wrong!