Interesting and Humour - page 4422





Missing heir to the Rockefeller empire was eaten by Papuans

The son of American politician and banker, Nelson Rockefeller, heir to the Rockefeller empire from 1974 to 1977, was killed and eaten by members of the Asmat tribe in Papua New Guinea.

Details of the tragedy, which took place 53 years ago and are only now known, is published by The Daily Mail.

Michael Rockefeller disappeared in November 1961 while traveling in Papua New Guinea with ethnographer Rene Wassing. On the seventeenth of November, Rockefeller Jr. sailed in a makeshift boat to a distant Asmat settlement. On the way, the boat's engine stalled and the boat soon capsized.

Rockefeller told Wassing that he would swim ashore. The ethnographer was found hours later by a Dutch seaplane and then picked up by the crew of the schooner Tasman. The 23-year-old Rockefeller has not been seen since. A large force has been thrown into the search for him, but no trace of him has been found.

For years, researchers have been considering the version that the billionaire's son was murdered by Aborigines. A number of witnesses said they had seen the billionaire's clothes, moreover, the savages even allegedly showed the young man's bones to the Papuans.

But the mystery of Rockefeller's disappearance was only recently solved by journalist Carl Hoffman, whose book The Savage Harvest: A Tale of Cannibals, Colonialism and Michael Rockefeller's Tragic Attraction to Primitive Art was published in 2014. As Hoffman discovered, Rockefeller almost managed to reach the coast. There he was met by aborigines in several dozen canoes. At first, the savages mistook Rockefeller for a crocodile, but then recognized him - the traveler had been to their village before.

Unceremoniously, the tribesmen stabbed Rockefeller to death with spears, thus avenging the murder of five natives by the Dutch a few days earlier. The savages had inflicted several dozen blows. In this way, as Hoffman writes, they wanted, according to their beliefs, to "restore balance to the world".

After that, the aborigines took Rockefeller's body to their village. There they smashed his head with an axe and then cut it off. The savages, to the chanting, according to the ritual, dismembered the body of the billionaire's son, scalped his head and removed his brain by eating it.

To solve the mystery of Rockefeller's disappearance, Hoffman studied hundreds of pages in Dutch archives, missionary records and Catholic Church reports. According to the journalist, local authorities and the Dutch government knew what happened to Rockefeller but preferred to keep silent.

Олег avtomat:

Missing heir to the Rockefeller empire was eaten by Papuans

Son of American politician and banker, Nelson Rockefeller, heir to the Rockefeller empire from 1974 to 1977, was murdered and eaten by members of the Asmat tribe in Papua New Guinea.


To solve the mystery of Rockefeller`s disappearance, Hoffman has studied hundreds of pages of Dutch archives, missionary records and reports from the Catholic Church. According to the journalist, local authorities and the Dutch government knew what happened to Rockefeller but chose to remain silent.

It was a pity the whole family did not sail there, taking the Rockefeller family with them on their journey.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

I wish the whole family had sailed there, taking the Rockechild family with them on the journey.

+++ I join in.
Shit... - Said the elephant, stepping on the colobus.
Vitaly Muzichenko:

I wish the whole family had sailed there, taking the Rockechild family with them on the journey.

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