Interesting and Humour - page 4327

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Dimitri, I'm not at liberty to give advice, I'll just tell you what I do. I do not open topics created by such characters. And if somewhere, in another topic, I meet a message, I close my eyes and click the mouse button "Back".

But in the theme "Interesting and humor" somehow can not do so. I see both interesting posts and outright nonsense from one and the same person and some of them are outright politicians.

Soon there will be an era of total robotics and there will be no need to work

And there will be no politics either, there will be the power of algorithms
Soon there will be an era of total robotisation and there will be no need to work

And there will be no politics either, it will be the power of algorithms

Too optimistic a statement. In practice, robotic factories etc. will be owned by a bunch of rich people, and the rest will still be doing menial jobs and maintaining this machinery, as long as it is more cost-effective to pay less to a human than to maintain a computer at a high cost.


Too optimistic a statement. In practice, robotic factories etc. will be owned by a bunch of rich people and the rest will still be doing menial jobs and maintaining this machinery while it is more cost-effective to pay less to a human than to maintain expensive comStart by inventing a robot to work. Then invent a robot that repairs a robot that works. Then invent a robot that repairs a robot that repairs a robot that works.


Too optimistic a statement. In practice, robotic factories etc. will be owned by a bunch of rich people and the rest will still be doing menial jobs and maintaining this machinery, as long as it is more cost-effective to pay less to a human than to maintain a computer at a high cost.

At the moment, biorobots are cheaper, but they will probably be replaced with better models that do not want to eat and do not need money... and then humans won't be needed, hehe




Found a serious instruction on an English-language software forum about what to do if it worked yesterday and stopped working today.
The thread is serious and is called"It worked yesterday, I swear!"


"If something worked yesterday and doesn't work now, then either you have non-deterministic behaviour (like race condition) and the fact that it worked yesterday was just luck,
or something has changed between yesterday and now, and you need to find out exactly what has changed.

How exactly you find out what is going on and how it can be fixed depends on the specifics of the situation,
But you should always be methodical in addressing the causes, i.e. don't change 5 things at once in the hope that it will help;
first find out which specific thing caused the problem, and perhaps write everything down so you can review again when it happens again in 3 weeks' time.

Using appropriate diagnostic tools (debugger, profiler, network analysis tools) can also make a big difference."
"It was working yesterday, I swear!" What can you do?
"It was working yesterday, I swear!" What can you do?
When you arrive in the morning, you find that your software does not work anymore, even though it did when you left yesterday evening. What do you do? What do you check first...
Sergey Golubev:

Found a serious instruction on an English-language software forum about what to do if it worked yesterday and stopped working today.
The thread is serious and is called "It worked yesterday, I swear!"


"If something worked yesterday and doesn't work now, then either you have non-deterministic behaviour (like race condition) and the fact that it worked yesterday was just luck,
or something has changed between yesterday and now, and you need to find out exactly what has changed.

How exactly you find out what is going on and how it can be fixed depends on the specifics of the situation,
But you should always be methodical in addressing the causes, i.e. don't change 5 things at once in the hope that it will help;
first find out which specific thing caused the problem, and perhaps write everything down so you can review again when it happens again in 3 weeks' time.

Using appropriate diagnostic tools (debugger, profiler, network analysis tools) can also make a big difference."

Sergey Golubev:

Golden Ring of Russia. Kostroma. Embankment of the Volga River.

There's a trader's chat room here !??