Interesting and Humour - page 4108


In fact, the only question is how much this Nikiforov took before he spoke))



СМИ назвали причину смерти актера Марьянова
СМИ назвали причину смерти актера Марьянова
МОСКВА, 16 окт — РИА Новости. Актер Дмитрий Марьянов скончался, предположительно, из-за оторвавшегося тромба, сообщает телеканал "360". Ранее информацию о смерти артиста подтвердила РИА Новости его агент. По словам друзей актера, Марьянов потерял сознание на даче в Подмосковье, где отдыхал. Знакомые вызвали скорую помощь, но она не приехала...

Lots of stuff.

Человек на Луне: великий прорыв или космическая афера?
(НАСА - Национальное Американское Космическое Агентство)   американцы совершили десятки космических пилотируемых полётов с выходом на околоземную орбиту. В том числе, - девять полётов к Луне, шесть из которых закончились высадками астронавтов. Эти сообщениянеимоверно подняли престиж США. Однако год за годом росло число скептиков, которые...
Andrew Petras:

Lots of things.

What's the point? To pray to those who were first? What is this childishness? Like the girls - oh oops, she has the same dress as me.

But can you see 'thousands of enthusiastic children and adults' at the entrance to our Central Museum of Cosmonautics in Moscow? No! Is it because every schoolboy knows that the Americans were on the Moon?

No, that's not why.

And who gets the satisfaction of knowing we're second?

You're a grown man writing, but you're still in the Pioneer Zone.

If we've been lied to about the moon, that's a lesson for the future. But then we stay first in space!

So what?

The propaganda of victories of the past lifts the strength of spirit and pride of the nation, unites it and creates a foundation for victories in the present and future.

This is without comment)
Слово дня: РАБСТВО
Слово дня: РАБСТВО
Накануне, 9 октября, в Стокгольме было объявлено имя лауреата Нобелевской премии по экономике. В 2017 году им стал американец Ричард Талер из Чикагского университета – «за вклад в изучение поведенческой экономики», которая изучает влияние социальных, когнитивных и эмоциональных факторов на принятие экономических решений отдельными лицами и...

What's there to read? An alleged "expert" assessment?

The so-called market economy which libertarians preach is an economy which creates nothing. It redistributes at best, destroys at worst.

Is this reviewer surely a PhD in economics? Probably from the Medinsky Academy of Sciences. You have to think of such a thing - economics preached by libertarians....

Oleg, did you read it yourself before you start dragging around this link?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

What's there to read? A supposedly 'expert' review?

Surely the reviewer is a PhD in economics? Probably from the Medinsky Academy of Sciences. You have to think of such a thing - the economy preached by libertarians....

Oleg, did you read it yourself before you start dragging around this link?

Sure. And it would be useful for you to read it.

Demons have a lot of helpers. They are called Freuds, Nietzsche, Thalers, whatever. And we, as a matter of fact, all fall under their control. Everything is very simple.

Generally speaking, about Nobel laureates. Isn't the whole Nobel system just one element of the new world order designed to destroy the old man with all his art and science? Isn't that why all these Thalers are being thrust upon us? I believe that all prizes are from the evil one. Most often it is an attempt to play on a person's ambition, on his propensity for fame. I am always suspicious of people who, for instance, present me with a business card, but on that card it says he is a member of ten academies, winner of ten prizes and so on. For me it is already some kind of litmus paper: there is something not quite all right inside a person. So I am generally wary of all kinds of laureates, and especially, of course, Nobel Prize winners. Especially Nobel Prize laureates in economics. If you look at the people who were awarded the prize, there is a certain range of characters. These are people who are closely connected with business, people of a certain, let's say, confessional and ethnic category. So everything is very clear and understandable here. For me the appointment of an economist as a Nobel laureate is anti-publicity.

But for most people it is different. One Alexievich became a Nobel Prize winner, and her Russophobic nonsense, which cannot even be called literature, instantly went up in sales. If young people are taught to drink Pepsi, they won't drink goat's milk. I won't tell my granddaughter what Alexievich is and why she shouldn't be read. My granddaughter and I tried to learn Pushkin's poem 'Autumn' by heart yesterday. I think that if a young person is accustomed to a good one, this is the best inoculation against various Alexievichs, Thalers and other Nobel laureates. I run the Russian Economic Society named after Sharapov and I simply say to my interlocutors: read, for example, "The Paper Ruble" by Sergei Fyodorovich Sharapov. Those who do heed my advice will no longer read Milton Friedman, Paul Samuelson or Richard Thaler.

I and my students devote no more than 5% of my total time budget to all of this public. The rest of the time I talk about, say, Aristotle, Sergei Fedorovich Sharapov, and General Alexander Dmitrievich Nechvolodov and his work on money. There are a lot of interesting people. For some reason we are always concentrating on dung. Let's look for honey, like bees, let's not be like flies that fly around manure.

Олег avtomat:

Of course. It's good for you to read, too.

Oh, yes...

Demons have a lot of helpers. They're called Freuds, Nietzsche, Thalers...

That's as far as it goes. The lid of the scoop has slammed shut.