Interesting and Humour - page 4074


They also had this event coinciding with threats from the DPRK.

I was out of touch and did not know about the asteroid. I just read some resources and it says that the consequences could be earthquakes and hurricanes, which is bad for those who live on islands or surrounded by oceans. There is a chance that the world is lucky, as America is surrounded by the ocean and in a good geographical location. Need to sell the dollar in any form, and I have a deposit in the bank in dollars(

Well, time will tell)


Another scam to sell"personal bunkers - shelters".

Not only do they have goals, but their raison d'être is to "increase sales".

Олег avtomat:

Another scam to sell"personal bunkers - shelters".

Not only do they have goals, but their raison d'être is to "increase sales".

Here we go, so a double chance to make money, sell the dollar first, if something happens we are in profit, if it doesn't happen we are in a small profit. If nothing happens, then when the CPI news comes out - buy the dollar, because the data will be good)

Vitaly Muzichenko:

There we go, so a double chance to make money, first sell the dollar, if something happens we are in profit, if nothing happens we are in a small profit. If nothing happens, then when the CPI news comes out - buy the dollar, because the data will be good)

Woot.... And as a side effect -- chaos in the brain ;)

Олег avtomat:

Woot.... And as a side effect -- chaos in the brain ;)

Oleg, explain what is not logical in the chain?


I was most impressed with the computers which were powered by electronic tubes: when you come to the CPU, in the corridor in front of the entrance to the CPU there is a row of fenced boxes stuffed to the top with these very electronic tubes. The computer impressed by the results of its activity.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Oleg, explain what is not logical in the chain?

Chaotization in the brain is achieved by sowing doubt. Depending on the degree of uncertainty of the doubt sown, different chains can be constructed with different rationales and different "logics", sometimes even mutually exclusive. If the purpose of the sowing was, for example, to increase volatility, then we can consider that the goal has been achieved.


К апокалипсису все готовы? В четверг встреча с астероидом, зарываемся поглубже в землю.)

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Got it, so I'll buy yen for everything on Wednesday night, kind of a safe haven currency)

Meet an asteroidwith a yen?Original.

Brings to mind an old Soviet anecdote:

Well, it is the middle of the 20th century, the time of advanced socialism, a group of scientists from different countries, all of them world-renowned, calculate the trajectory of a huge asteroid and come to the conclusion that a huge asteroid is approaching the Earth.

For some time more debates rage, calculations are underway to determine whether the asteroid will pass by or not.

So it remains 3-4 days and everyone understands that the doom of the planet Earth is inevitable.

How people behave in different countries: - In France they make love and have wild orgies, swim in champagne, all the wine cellars are open and people enjoy life to the full.

In England they drink whiskey, pubs are open day and night, everyone's out walking. In Germany, they quit their jobs and go around the world as a nation. In the U.S. the picture is the same as in other countries.

In general, no one works anywhere, factories are shut down.

And the Germans, Japanese come to the USSR, in general, those nations that like to travel, expecting to see the same situation as elsewhere.

And here you have order, factories are working, the streets are in order, and a slogan "FIFTY DAYS FOR THREE DAYS" runs from the airport.

Vitaly - Times have changed. Now, when an asteroid approaches, you buy the Yen?)