Interesting and Humour - page 4061

Artyom Trishkin:

That's how Leha knew what to do with them... Associative thinking, though...

The universal mind told him to. That's how Lyokha knew what to do with them...

What a resonance my posts have caused, both about mermaids and about engines... people don't seem to know anything at all, but it's all right to enlighten them.

here's a magnetic motor already in a motorbike

I say any person can be rude, only a person who seeks knowledge can learn wisdom but not every scientist can.

With respect.

P.S. as for the efficiency factor, it does not matter what principles we apply, we spent X amount of effort and got 0.8X the result Efficiency factor=0.8 if we spent X amount of effort and got 1.2X Efficiency factor =1.2 any heat pump gives efficiency > 1 with a competent approach it is possible with the conditioner with power consumption in 0,7kW to heat a premise in 30 sq.m. on calculation for heating of such premise the power 3kW is necessary. it is not important for us from where we receive an increase of power we are important result.

Andrey Kisselyov:
What a resonance my posts have caused, both about mermaids and engines... People don't seem to know anything about it, but it's all right to enlighten them.

there's a magnetic motor already in the motorbike

It is not an engine because it cannot move anything. It makes itself go round and it is not clear how long it will go round, but to give mechanical energy to the consumer - no way, it will stop at once)))

I say any person can be rude, only a person who seeks knowledge can learn wisdom but not every scientist can.

With respect.

P.S. as for the efficiency factor, it does not matter what principles we apply, we spent X amount of effort and got 0.8X the result Efficiency factor=0.8 if we spent X amount of effort and got 1.2X Efficiency factor =1.2 any heat pump gives efficiency > 1 at a competent approach it is possible conditioner with power consumption in 0,7kW to heat a premise in 30 sq. m. on calculation for heating of such premise the power 3kW is necessary. we do not matter from where we receive gain of power we are important result.

As for the second one, it is an ordinary BLDC - electronically controlled commutatorless DC motor, started to be developed in the 60's of the last century, used in many places for 30 years or even more. Nothing to do with the first picture, alas.

Maybe you're also a proponent of the flat earth theory?

Andrey Kisselyov:
What a resonance my posts caused, both about mermaids and about engines... It seems that people don't know anything about it, but it would be good to enlighten them.

If this were a correspondence from a hospital to a doctor, on the relevant forum, your posts would not resonate in any way.

As it is, in a normal (average) society, when there are people who present outright nonsense, people usually either object and are surprised, or demand to be shielded from themselves for safety reasons. It makes sense.

You have not been seen in an intimate relationship with a mermaid, nor the owner of an engine with an efficiency of more than 1 . These are not matters of faith.

If you're surprised that your faith resonates. Then I can believe, for example, that you're sick and should be put behind bars. And try to be surprised when you're being hauled off to the nuthouse that it's only because of someone else's faith that you're forcibly put away. Because it has a right to life just like yours. So it is. It's like an indulgence for any nonsense.

I already posted a video on page. 3967, similarly, all the theories are battered by one simple suggestion - connect the load, the real one. There are interesting comments there too. Too lazy to even repost the thoughts.



And this is to emphasise the scale of idiocy about flatlanders and australia dredgers. It's already paying off.

Vitalie Postolache:

It's not an engine as it can't move anything. It will rotate itself and it is not known how long it will rotate, but to give mechanical energy to the consumer - no way, it will stop at once)))

As for the second one, it is an ordinary BLDC - electronically controlled commutatorless DC motor, started to be developed in the 60's of the last century, used in many places for 30 years or even more. Nothing to do with the first picture, alas.

Maybe you're also a proponent of the flat earth theory?

First, it is not exactly what I wanted to show. In presentation that I have seen, there is a presentation to investors from all countries, including Japan, of magnetic engine with good pulling force, somewhere in Europe. imagine humming fans in the ventilation system of large offices, the same air conditioners, and so on.

with regard to the bike, I posted it not only because it is applied magnetic motor (if I remember correctly) in it is a generator (for the driver's seat in the glove compartment), which gets energy from the environment (in the first bike shown, it is there). motorbike banned for production in Japan, although it cost about 80k rubles. this technology of the future, which unfortunately are bought out and lie under the you know everything is connected with the so-called "perpetual motion" patent forbidden.

I know about perpetuum mobile motors.

I am a supporter of the rational approach to knowledge, science and everything else.

With respect.

If this were a correspondence from a hospital to a doctor, on the relevant forum, your posts would not resonate in any way.

As it is, in a normal (average) society, when there are people who present outright nonsense, people usually either object and are surprised, or demand to be shielded from themselves for safety reasons. It makes sense.

You have not been seen in an intimate relationship with a mermaid, nor the owner of an engine with an efficiency of more than 1 . These are not matters of faith.

If you're surprised that your faith resonates. Then I can believe, for example, that you're sick and should be put behind bars. And try to be surprised when you're being hauled off to the nuthouse that it's only because of someone else's faith that you're forcibly put away. Because it has a right to life just like yours. So it is. It's like an indulgence for any nonsense.

I already posted a video on page. 3967, similarly, all the theories are battered by one simple suggestion - connect the load, the real one. There are interesting comments there too. Too lazy to even repost the thoughts.


Download video

I looked and read, but did not watch the video.
They have a lot of experience in the field of human rights.

Observed as their excitement about the meeting Atsukovsky and Mishin (if I am not mistaken), PR company in one word, although the ideas Mishin may well have a place in the construction of matter devices, not studied thoroughly paragraphs. some points I saw immediately do not know how to solve, although their solutions are. about Atsukovsky I can not say anything, heard a couple of lectures online, do not like his presentation of information.

I have listened to a couple of lectures on the Internet and do not like his presentation of information.

Andrey Kisselyov:

I'm all for a rational approach to knowledge and science and everything else.


Says the man who posted about efficiency >1 and mermaids. Bummer.

Andrey Kisselyov:

I looked it up, I read it, I didn't watch it.
Global Way is an interesting site from the standpoint of development, how real they are is certainly a question.

i watched their hype about the meeting of Atsukovsky and Mishin (if i am not mistaken), PR company in one word, although Mishin's ideas may have a place in the matter structure. i did not study the matter thoroughly, i saw some issues that he does not know how to solve, although they have a solution. i cannot say anything about Atsukovsky, i listened to several lectures posted on the internet, i do not like his presentation of information.

I have listened to a couple of lectures on the Internet and do not like his presentation of information.

None of them actually came out with anything new and beyond the existing ones. But books have been written and theories have been poured into the ears of immature minds through videos.

How can you say that this is an interesting site, I do not understand.

As for you and the mermaids. It would be OK if they claim their existence in some other planes and forms of being. Not physical. That would be all right. We could talk about these or those states. But here I am sure there is nothing to talk about even from this point of view, because everything there is based on faith too, and not on personal experience and feelings.

The end result is nothing but gibberish. I have not seen it, but I know. Haven't experienced, but I know. What you know, I don't know.