Interesting and Humour - page 4052

Alexey Viktorov:

and that says it all.

Thank you for not imposing inadequate recommendations.

Alexey Viktorov:


I saw the printed text almost the full width of the glass, at the bottom.

It's not her problem, it's the problem of the society that forced her to do it.
Andrew Petras:

About whales in the Christian tradition, Andrei Kiselev is probably a better writer. (This is the place in the Bible where Jonah is mentioned).

I mean, the round earth was known before the Bible was created.

ps Faith, Hope, Love.

Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

It's an allegory. A trinity beginning.

Well-o-o-o that's a way of putting words to facts. But we are not ufologists or magicians from the yellow press about the pyramids and aliens.)

Vladimir Karputov:

This is a real courageous and honest act.

Attention and respect from motorists is guaranteed. And it definitely lifts your spirits.

I saw a Matiz the other day that said "Ia Medvedko!", driven, of course, by a girl.)


Photon torpedoes are the way to go! Against the Replicoids that a fellow forum member fears so much)

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Saw a Matiz the other day with "Ea Medvedko!" written on it, driven, of course, by a girl )

this is a typical epatage - a way of self-expression - there is nothing else to do - they say "neither mind nor heart" on such cars.

there is no "student" sign on karputov's picture -- it means stupid epatage -- there is no courage and respect in such a picture.

p.s. the epatage Viktor Yerofeev himself said about epatage in art: "new smells arise - it stinks".

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

this is a typical epatage -- a way of self-expression -- there's nothing else one can think of -- they say "neither mind nor heart" on such a picture.

there is no "student" sign on Karputov's picture - it means stupid epatage - there is no courage and respect in such a picture.

p.s. the epatage artist Viktor Yerofeev himself said about epatage in art: "new smells appear - it stinks".

How is it that there is no pupil sign? And if you look more closely?

Vladimir Karputov:

How is it that there is no pupil sign? How about a closer look?

They're going to topple over anyway, because there's no "apprentice" sign, there's a "novice driver" sign. First one to put his coat on is a doctor.

And anyway, it's a meta-editor's sign.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

They'll be overturned anyway, because there's no 'apprentice' sign, there's a 'novice driver' sign. First one to put on a coat is a doctor.

Yeah, these non-drivers, they don't care about the "U" or the "U"! - don't care! They don't even know that the "!" sign has been around for years :)