Interesting and Humour - page 4015

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Empty shelves I remember in '90. ...

well, right -- at the time of the collapse of the ussr -- empty shelves, as well as the non-delivery of bread in 1917 -- all according to plan.

the ussr was effectively abolished in 1989 at the maltese summit.


You are right, they made their own jeans back then and it was said that the Soviet industry did not produce a poor quality material and an embarrassing style, but these trousers did not rub in the shawdy places and the sexual orientation of young people was all right.

We had food shortages but we did not have problems to fight with obesity like in modern developed countries...))

I still have no problem with obesity, despite the fact that I'm over 50. You just have to look after yourself instead of eating like a pig. Back then, jeans were made by shopkeepers and privateers. I had a classmate who used to sit at home and stitch, they'd bring him all the materials and pick up the goods. He made a very good living. Firms were more expensive, of course.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Empty shelves I remember in 1990. My son was born and my wife went to the countryside with him for the summer. All summer I ate kefir and some cereals, I couldn't buy anything else. Almost everything was on food stamps and there were queues for 2 hours, there was no time to stand, I worked a lot.

Anyway, that's all in the past, there's no point in discussing it.

In the past there may have been nothing, only through coercion, but now there is everything, but not everyone can afford to buy it, and we can't even talk about pensioners, they can barely make ends meet with the communal service. My gran got 21 roubles from her pension and she managed to put 600 roubles into my savings account. Now it is practically impossible to put money aside. Progress is evident.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Empty shelves I remember in '90.


(quietly to himself) And what has the Soviet Union got to do with it...

Vitaly Muzichenko:

In the past there might not have been anything, but now there is everything, but not everyone can afford to buy it, not to mention pensioners, who can barely make ends meet with utilities. My gran got 21 roubles from her pension and she managed to put 600 roubles into my savings account. Now it is practically impossible to put money aside. Progress is evident.

I'm not saying that it's paradise now. You just have to judge everything objectively and remember what it was like.

Andrew Petras:

About the ones that were supposedly given out after the construction, when the fat man ran... I lied again, I don't even remember.

...Aye, blessed is he who thought it up and believes it, according to your lunacy you shall be rewarded.

Dmitry Fedoseev:
...yes, blessed are those who make it up and believe in it, according to your schizophrenia you will be rewarded.

That's right.

Интересное и Юмор
Интересное и Юмор
  • 2017.07.29
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Andrew Petras:

That's for sure.

Jeans Tver, they were not jeans but a miserable wretch, they did not quote at all. But there wasn't even an abundance of them.

Andrew Petras:

That's for sure.

Besides, I didn't tell you about the "running fat guy". That was a total fatty barely able to roll over the track.

You must be a big liar if you can't believe trivial things you don't mean to lie about.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

It's like Styrofoam... Reread the mantra and calm down, get over it.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

...yes, blessed are those who make it up and believe in it, you'll be rewarded according to your lunacy.