Interesting and Humour - page 4021

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Apparently,there are experts from Africa sitting inthe Russian language helpdesk .It should have been:So, without context, it is impossible to answer your question.
So wikipedia, russian language service and spelling and punctuation checkers are all wrong? I don't believe so.

A new client asks a trader at an investment company:

-What can I play today?

The trader, after a quick look at the client:

-Try playing the accordion...


When Albert Einstein died, in the queue at Heaven's gate he met three other people who had just arrived. To kill some time, he asked what their IQ was.

- 190," replied the first one.

- Excellent," said Einstein. - We can talk to you about Rutherford's contribution to atomic physics and the general theory of relativity.

- One hundred and fifty,' replied the other.

- 'Good,' said Einstein. - We will discuss with you the role of New Zealand in the struggle for non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.

- 50,' replied the third.

Einstein pondered, then said:

- OK, share your forecast for next year's budget deficit.


Here is another example:

Answer from the Russian Language Reference Service

The word canindeed be used as an introductory phrase, but it can alsobe used as a circumstance and not marked with a comma. So it is impossible to answer your question without context.

Now you can also accuse the Russian language reference service of illiteracy, you are no stranger to it).

I answered the question IN CONTEXT - I pointed out the grammatical errors in your sentence. Why should I incriminate THEM?

So wikipedia, Russian language services and spell and punctuation checkers are all wrong? I don't believe so.

Questions of faith are dealt with by theology.


When Albert Einstein died, in the queue at Heaven's gate he met three other people who had just arrived. To kill some time, he asked what their IQ was.

- 190," replied the first one.

- Excellent," said Einstein. - We can talk to you about Rutherford's contribution to atomic physics and the general theory of relativity.

- One hundred and fifty,' replied the other.

- 'Good,' said Einstein. - We will discuss with you the role of New Zealand in the struggle for non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.

- 50,' replied the third.

Einstein pondered, then said:

- OK, share your forecast for next year's budget deficit.

Rutherford had nothing to do with the theory of relativity. He just didn't understand it. He never referred to it at all.

When Rutherford was asked what he thought of the GTR, he said, "Ah, nonsense, we don't need it for our work".




I answered the question in CONTEXT - I pointed out the grammatical errors in your sentence. Why should I accuse THEM?

The wordcanindeedbe indented as an introductory phrase, or it can actas a circumstance and not highlighted by commas.Sowithout context, you can't answer your question.

And how does my case of using "So what" differ from the above text? Why in this case there is no comma after "So what", but mine should be? Because you think so?)


The wordcanindeedbe used as an introductory phrase, but it can alsobe used as a circumstance without a comma.So,without the context, you can't answer your question.

And how does my case of using "So what" differ from the text above? Why is there no comma after "So what" in this case, but mine should be? Because you think so?)

Because it's wrong.

Well, what can you do...

P.S. If you use the word "you" in relation to me, it should be capitalized - mistake upon mistake.


Rutherford had nothing to do with the theory of relativity. He just didn't understand it. He never referred to it at all.

When Rutherford was asked what he thought of GTR, he said "Ah, nonsense, we don't need it for our work" (c).

I don't understand the Theory of Relativity either, and looking at the debate going on here, I doubt that I can write a budget deficit forecast without errors)))