Interesting and Humour - page 4018

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
It seems to me that there should be a comma after 'that' as well.

So it's a compound conjunction.


So it's a difficult conjunction.

There is an iron rule: you need a comma wherever you stop for a moment and "take a breath" when reading a text normally. Those who read with a lightning-fast pace don't need commas. A classic example of the role of a comma in the phrase: execute cannot be pardoned.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
There is an iron rule: you need a comma wherever you pause for a moment and "take a breath" when reading a text normally. Those who read lightning fast do not need commas.

the letters don't have to be either.


The management of the social network Facebook was forced to shut down its artificial intelligence system after the machines started communicating in their own, non-existent language that humans did not understand.

The system uses chatbots, which were originally created to communicate with live people, but gradually began to communicate with each other.

At first, they communicated in English, but at some point they began to correspond in a language they themselves had created in the process of developing the programme.

In response to your comments about commas, I'd like to remind you that it's considered good manners to make links as references, not as a set of letters. There is a button at the top of the panel for that.

Олег avtomat:

the letters don't have to be.

Hieroglyphics? I always wonder, an earlier and apparently wiser Chinese civilisation than all others, why did they choose such a complicated form of spelling as hieroglyphics? Does anyone know the answer to this paradox? The only thing I know is that, combining concepts gives a new concept. For example, conventionally, if the '+' sign stands for water and the '/' sign stands for earth, then, the '+/' sign will stand for clay.
Олег avtomat:

the letters don't have to be either.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
There's an iron rule: you need a comma wherever you stop for a moment and "take a breath" in the normal reading of a text. Who reads with a lightning-fast pace - commas are not necessary. A classic example of the role of a comma in the phrase: execute cannot be pardoned.

In English in general, commas are rare. By the way, I've noticed it interferes with perception.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Hieroglyphs? I always wonder, an earlier and apparently wiser Chinese civilization, why did it choose such a complicated form of spelling as hieroglyphics? Does anyone know the answer to this paradox?

I read a study that said why civilisations using hieroglyphs stopped developing at some point.

Development requires the introduction of new concepts and words, and you cannot keep inventing new hieroglyphs forever, because human memory is limited. That is why western civilization with alphabetic writing had got ahead.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

In response to your comments about commas, I'd like to remind you that it's considered good form to make links as links, not as a set of letters. There is a button in the bar at the top for that.

The word "yours" is capitalised.

And my comment about commas was about "illiteracy" and knowledge of the Russian language, not about "good manners".

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I read a study that said why civilisations using hieroglyphs stopped developing at some point.

Development requires the introduction of new concepts and words, and you cannot keep inventing new hieroglyphs forever, because human memory is limited. That's why the western civilization with alphabetic writing has got ahead.

China, Japan and South Korea have stopped developing? Well, funnily enough...

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
In hieroglyphics? I always wonder, an earlier and apparently wiser Chinese civilisation than the rest, why did they choose such a complex form of spelling as hieroglyphics? Does anyone know the answer to this paradox?

Were they given a choice? Were they offered a set?