Interesting and Humour - page 3980


So, a modern young man, educated from Wikipedia, comes to the temple and... Walks up to the priest and slaps him on the cheek. "So what? Put your left...". The priest, a former boxer, knocksthe " Biblescholar" outwith one punch. "The way you measure up, the way you'll be measured up." The old ladies in the parish ask the deacon, "What is this? To which the deacon replies profoundly: "They're interpreting the Gospel"...


The world's poorest president

A man of legend. He met Mao Zedong, Nikita Khrushchev and Che Guevara. As a young man he was a partisan. It is hard to imagine that the President of Uruguay lives as well as the citizens of his country and donates part of his salary to the poor.

The people of Uruguay call the head of the country, José Mujica, the poorest president in the world, sometimes referring to him in Spanish as"el presidente mas pobre". However, Uruguayans have a positive view of their president, as the 77-year-old leader constantly gives his salary to charity. Mujica receives $ 12500 per month, his official salary. Of all the money, he keeps only 10 percent of that amount for himself, which is only $1,250. On several occasions, Mujica has said in interviews with the media that this sum is enough for him because he has modest needs and expenses.
The president's wife, who is a senator, also gives most of her earnings to charity. The Mujica couple admit that they have only bought one car during the time Jose has been in power, spending about 2 thousand dollars on it. The president has no credit institution accounts.

However, Uruguay cannot be described as a poor country and is often compared with popular Switzerland. The headquarters of the continent's leading credit organisations can be found in Montevideo, as can branches of industrial organisations from all over the world. Uruguay is one of the easiest countries to do business in.


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Not funny, but interesting. It turns out that residents of Crimea and Kaliningrad do not pay the state duty (2,400 rubles) when obtaining a passport, but everyone else does.


Went to the post office recently, funny picture before exiting with 3-4 steps down.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Went to the post office recently, funny picture before exiting with 3-4 steps down.

the picture is precisely to attract attention, text messages often go unread due to the laziness of the readers)

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

The picture is just to attract attention, text messages often go unread because of the laziness of the readers)

Of course, especially as there are often old ladies walking around, it just made me laugh. And the picture is creative. ))

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Went to the post office recently, funny picture before exiting with 3-4 steps down.

It's crazy what a post office is like. I live in the capital and the neighbourhood (built in 1993) is all Soviet: just wait till something falls off on your head. There have been no repairs for 25 years, it's just creepy.